Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Doctor Today, Then Physical Therapy


Yesterday I blogged about taking three doses of magnesium to help rid my colon of stalled waste. I also took one diuretic pill to release some of the edema. This morning I am down four pounds. Amazing -- and proof that my suspicions were correct about why I was putting on weight on the scale, but not in the mirror.

I saw my friend Masa yesterday and she immediately commented that I looked like I was losing weight. I was grateful for her confirmation of what I had been seeing in the mirror, myself. I hope my doctor can see it also, because I have been working hard to do things right.

I went to the Golden Corral last night with Masa and filled my plate according to the rules of the Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program. I knew that it was perfectly acceptable to have dessert for my high carb item so I had a small piece of carrot cake (did not eat the icing) and one oatmeal cookie -- both of which were sickeningly sweet to my mouth. (I don't think I'll be doing that again.) I was glad to have a little protein and veggies to wash down the bites and eliminate the taste. On the program you eat your high carb item (no matter what it is) as part of the meal. Even dessert is not eaten afterwards, but becomes part of the meal.

My blood sugar last night when I got home was really not bad at 109, but this morning it was 132!! This seems very odd to me and I'm not sure what caused it. It could have been the dessert, but it did not affect my blood sugar last night when it would have normally had an effect(?). I suppose it could have something to do with the magnesium or the diuretic(?). I am reluctant to discuss this with my doctor because if I share that I had one meal like that, she assumes I eat every meal like that and may want to set me up on a another new and un-do-able program.

I like the program I am on, because it really seems to address my hunger issues. I am simply less hungry on this program. I don't have odd cravings for sweets any more -- they used to make me dash off to get whatever item it was. That does not happen any more -- at least as long as I follow the program -- I suppose that if I went off the program that would return. I would not have eaten the desserts last night except that I sat there thinking about them as I watched my friend eat. It was like a habit of my mind, rather than a craving of my body. My body actually, as I mentioned, did not really like the sweetness. It was more like an assault on my tongue, than a pleasure.

From past experience, I know that I could force the issue and continue to eat the sweets, but that would be insanity and head me in the wrong direction. I only make the statement because I have actually done that in the past. I don't want to do that now. I want to stay on the good eating program that I have found. I want to follow it more closely and do what it says. One of the options on the program is the suggestion to not go for the sweet high carb dessert-type items for my daily high carb reward meal, but to go for perhaps some bread, or potatoes or beans, instead. I had done that with the first plate. I very carefully filled half my plate with salad, a small roasted chicken breast portion, and a bowl of chili with beans. When I was done eating that I was truly satisfied. Then my friend went and got a huge plate of food with a lot of high carb items on it and I sat there just watching her eat.

It was then I began thinking about the idea of having another plate (just as it advises on the plan) with one-third veggies, one-third protein, and one-third high carb -- just so I could have the dessert. I chose some steamed cauliflower and broccoli, a spoonful of taco meat, and a very small piece of cake and one cookie for the final third of the plate. My blood sugars after the meal were good. I have been noticing that eating the one high carb item surrounded by good veggies and protein, really does not usually raise my blood sugars. I even tested them last night and went to bed feeling that I had done well. Then I wake up to a morning level of 132. It is really hard for me to believe that happened. But there it is, in black and white.

I learned about the "morning phenomenon" from Dr. Richard K. Bernstein's book, "Diabetes Solution" where he explains that when diabetics get up in the morning they may have rather high blood sugars after a good night's sleep, and no one knows why. I think I shall just chalk it up to the "morning phenomenon" and let it go at that. I am going to pay attention, though and see if I have any other reward meals with an extremely high carb, if this happens again. My morning blood sugars so far, had been very good.... from 110 to 113, which is excellent for me. This was the first time I have been thrown for a loop, as they say. I shall record and observe for future information.

You know, as I think about it, I am wondering if the morning high blood sugar was somehow connected to the diuretic. I had asked my doctor if there was anything that I was taking that would cause inflammation and she said, most definitely, the Triamterene, so I stopped taking it. As soon as I stopped taking the diuretic my blood sugars went down. I had attributed it to the change in the food I was eating, but I had also stopped taking the Triamterene at about the same time. Then boom. One dose of Triamterene and my morning blood sugar is even farther above what it had been running back then.

I shall observe this in the future, too. I want to confirm my suspicions on this one. I shall not take any for a few days and see what happens. Then I will take one, and see what happens. That should be a good enough test. I'll let you know what I find out. I think I will try to remember to ask my doctor about this, today. If I pose the question correctly, I may be able to find out if that is a side effect of the Triamterene or not. I may also look it up on the internet to see what I find.

I have set up a food journal for myself in my Excel program that has spaces for all the things I want to keep track of on a daily basis. It includes the 64 ounces of water, has a space for the blood glucose numbers, and the time of day. Plus enough room to write the contents of my meals along with the time that they were eaten. I wish I knew how to load a picture into the blog, but I am ignorant of that process, so cannot show you the chart.

Must prepare for the appointment....

Be back soon,


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