Tuesday, April 24, 2012

See: Orthorexia Nervosa: The Health Food Eating Disorder


When I read the article at this link: http://www.drbenkim.com/articles-orthorexia.html#comment-10281 I just knew I had to share it. Enjoy!!

Ever been a nut about the specific things you eat? Been there. Done that. Maybe you did, too.

Read it!!  Good one!!

Love you,

Be back soon,



  1. Hi Marcia,
    I can't believe how long it has been since I visited your blog - especially when I fully intended to keep in touch frequently the last time I was here, lo those many weeks ago. Life has been very busy and up and down with family and work stresses, but I am still engaged in the fight for health.
    I haven't read all your posts, but I did read a few. I am doing the same searching as you to find the right plan to follow that will work for me. I went way off the wagon for weeks until about a month ago and I have slowly been working my way back to eating healthfully and getting my blood sugar readings back down. Just in the last few days I am beginning to see enough of a drop to believe I am doing something right.
    My problem is that, like you, I am not losing any weight, and I am not sure that I am doing enough to really bring my blood sugar readings to normal. So I have been reading many books looking for the right system. And feeling more and more confused. And freaking my partner out by switching my ideas back and forth. And then tonight I was led to look at your blog and there was this wonderful article on "orthorexia." It was EXACTLY what I needed. God is simply amazing! THANK YOU for posting it. I feel calmer about the whole process and am now better able to trust that God is going to lead me where I need to go - just like He always does when I step back and let Him.
    I pray that you will be led to your right path, too. I read your post saying that you were going to join a church group for diet even though the plan didn't sound like it was exactly right for you, and it reminded me of something I just read in "The Blood Sugar Solution" by Dr. Mark Hyman (a very good book, by the way, and very helpful to me). He said that research shows that social support for your diet/health plan is much more important than the plan you follow. He cites an example of a woman he talked with who had great success with her diabetes in a group setting even though the diet was all wrong for diabetics (low fat) and they only met for exercise once a week. So maybe the church group will be just what you need.
    For my part, I don't have a group available to me at the moment, but I still have my partner's support, which is awesome, and I am trying to chill out and give my body some time to heal before I start switching plans again. I am still trying to follow God's Diet (eat only real, natural food) but I am also trying to eat low-glycemic and I have been limiting grains, fruits and dairy. The grains I do not miss, but the fruits and dairy are very difficult for me, and I frequently crave sweets.
    Just this week I have discovered that eating legumes seems to be very helpful for me. I have eaten a great deal more of them and my blood sugar has finally gone down 10 points lower than it has been (other than once or twice) in a year. I'm not sure if that's a fluke or not, but I'm going to keep eating them and see what happens. The great thing is that they really fill me up and keep me satisfied and help me to do without starchy vegetables, grains and fruits.
    I hesitate to say that I will post more often, but I will certainly be praying for you still, and I do promise to check back in at some point and let you know how it's going. Best of luck in your journey. Also, I thought you might enjoy this video - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/04/arthur-boorman-veteran-walks-again-yoga_n_1478847.html - it's about exercise, not diet, but I found it tremendously inspirational and motivating. I can always use some inspiration, and I'm sure you can too! It just goes to show you that there are many paths to health.
    Blessings to you!

  2. Hi Tricia,

    I wondered where you were. So glad to hear from you.

    I found this book that may be of interest. It is called "Eat Fat, Lose Fat," and was written by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon so the food is definitely wholesome and nutritious. The authors are highly respected for their knowledge of fats (Mary Enig) and supporting people in eating traditional foods (Sally Fallon.)

    The key that they are talking about is coconut oil. I've been using coconut oil but only for frying. They recommend that you actually take one or two tablespoons about 30 minutes before a meal.

    For the last two days I've been trying it, and it does, oddly, seem to make the eating "shut off" signal much more prominent and easy to comply with. In fact I have on a couple of occasions had "left overs" which is really quite unusual for me. I'll be posting about it soon.

    Glad to hear your blood sugars are normalizing and I will check out the video.

    God bless you and inspire you to the right path,

  3. Hey Tricia,

    I watched the video and that guy was truly inspiring. To go from falling over because of lack of balance to running! To lose 140 lbs in one year! Wow!! When you find what works for you and DO IT -- no matter what -- amazing things happen.

    I reread your comment and liked what you said about the fruit, dairy and beans. I'm not able to eat any of them, but different people respond to different things differently!!

    In the original "30 Day Diabetes Cure" that I read, beans were highly recommended, so I can see why they would work for you. I'm glad they do!

    Anyway, just keep plugging along. It is the only thing a person can do. If you don't have some goal in mind you are likely to end up some place else.

    God bless and guide you,

  4. Hi Marcia,

    That video really was awesome, wasn't it?! Thinking about that guy will motivate me for a long time to come, I know. It's very interesting to me that you mention coconut oil. I have been reading for awhile that coconut oil has many health benefits, and I read just the other day that it helps some people lower their blood sugar. See http://diabeteslight.com/hello-world-2/ and read the author's postings down in the Comments section for info about her results from taking it (her name is Cynthia and she is a type 1 diabetic).

    I have coconut oil in the house and have cooked with it some, but I haven't taken it as a supplement. Do you just eat it plain out of a spoon? I'm not surprised that it helps fill you up; I think most fats do that, but it apparently has other benefits as well. I'd be interested to read "Eat Fat, Lose Fat." I'll have to look for it. I've been reading a lot about how many diabetics have success following a paleo diet, which sounds a lot like what you're doing if I read your posts right, and fats are a large part of that.

    I am slowly feeling better since I've been cleaning up my diet. Still trying to kick myself into gear to exercise, which I feel will be the next critical key for me. I also think I need to start taking some fish oil for omega 3s. I have been tempted to try a bunch of supplements which are supposed to work for blood sugar, including chromium and magnesium, but I'm trying to see how well I can do without that to start with.

    I will definitely keep plugging along. You too! I want to live a long, full life and I sure would like to have a lot more energy for it. Take care!

    God bless and guide you too.


Hi -- and welcome! Please feel free to make a comment. I'd love to hear from you!