I've been wearing my same old clothes that I used to wear but now, when I put the pants on, especially, I think about being careful or they could fall off. It must be the dryer. Ha! Isn't that what we used to tell ourselves when they were getting tighter? It's the dryer's fault. The idea of them getting looser in the dryer made me laugh so I thought I'd use as my title today.
I always weigh myself every day. It keeps me honest. It can be frustrating when you see a pound or two increase, but it also is a warning signal to look at what I ate yesterday (in my journal) and pay attention. I'm not always obedient, but I always know which direction I'm going. It is nice to be hovering around 317-320 instead of around 330 as I was before I started to do the 24-hour fasts four weeks ago.
I'm nearing the end of this week's fast, today. It is 3:02 as I write and it will end at 4:30. It may not be of unusual interest to the masses but it is interesting to me to observe the feeling of hunger inside my body -- and not only to simply observe it, but to embrace it. I actually do kind of like it. That seems odd, even to me, but along with a little bit of a feeling in my tummy which is easily satisfied with liquids like water or unsweet tea, my head feels clear and easy. My body feels lighter and I like the feelings that I experience as I fast. It makes the fasting much easier than I thought it would be.
I like to think about how my body is using this time to rid itself of toxins and burn up excess fat. It is kind of a healthy rest where processes can take place that get hampered by eating three times a day, every day. It occurred to me the other day that women feed their babies with their bodies. Once we are weaned our bodies feed themselves in a rather similar way. The stored fat is from excess food that the body keeps for future use. If we never get to the part where the body needs to feed itself, then we just keep adding more fat to it. Fasting is a way to let the body take care of itself for a change. When you fast, especially for at least 24 hours, your body is actually still taking care of itself by feeding itself from its own fat pantry. What an interesting way to look at it. I guess fasting makes you think differently.
I had the right eye procedure done and am super happy with the results. It was nearly overwhelming to see the world so differently. It is so much sharper, and shinier than I had been experiencing. The colors are more vibrant and there are edges to the trees. Isn't it funny that I did not realize I was not really seeing the individual trees clearly? They had become like walls or barriers to me. Now that I can see them, and see the individual leaves glistening and shaking in the sunshine, they are quite stunning to look at. Sometimes I get out of the car and just look around. It is so nice. I thank God that I was able to get this done. I thank God that He inspired some person to think up this procedure. I thank God that I can see well again.
I talked to my eye doctor again about the little blurry spot that moves in my left eye and she said it could be a small "bubble" that has gotten itself stuck to my retina. She offered to dilate my eyes and check it out, but I did not want to go through that again so soon. This explanation was much less scary to think about than what I had been thinking. There is a certain kind of blindness (can't think of the name) where your vision begins to get blurry right in the center and proceed from there. I had been worried that that was what I had and wondered if there is anything now-a-days that they can do about it. The news that because it moves around, indicates that it is a "bubble" (of some kind) that could just as easily get unstuck and stick somewhere else in my eye was really quite a relief. I noticed the last time I was reading my Bible that I did not see the little blurry place. It was nice. She said there is nothing they can do about the bubble but I got the impression that it is not dangerous and can improve on its own so that is a relief.
I will still need to get glasses, but I've worn glasses since my mid-twenties so that is not a problem to me. I was really surprised to see how much the frames at the doctor's office cost. I had set aside $300 to get my glasses thinking I should be able to get a really nice pair with that amount of money. I discovered that the frames can cost as much as that without any glasses in them. That is quite outrageous to me. A couple of friends pointed out that if I have some frames I like I can reuse them and get new lenses for them and save myself quite a lot. I do have one pair, for sure, and maybe two pairs that I can "refill" so I think I shall go that route, instead. No sense wasting money when it is so easy to preserve it.
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow with my regular doctor. I will be happy for them to see the weight loss, but my blood pressure is still not under control. I am not interested in taking more drugs for the problem because I'm likely to have some dangerous reaction to it. So perhaps when they can see that I'm finally losing weight again, that the blood pressure should not be far behind. I've actually had a couple of days where the reading was normal, but they are few and far between. I'm still encouraged by the fact that they have started to show up every once in a while. It's a nice change from always being too high.
Well, I've got about an hour to go to finish up my 24 hours and I've started thinking about what I'll eat to end it. It will probably be the left overs from my meal, yesterday, so nothing fancy. I often find when the fast ends that I get hungry again rather quickly after my first small meal, so I might get a lo-carb burger at Hardees later. It is a great hamburger without a bun. They wrap it in lettuce and paper to hold it all together and it is mighty tasty. My mouth is watering so I better move on. I can think about eating later.
I hope things are going well for you. Comment below and let me know how you are doing.
Be back soon,
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