Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ahhhh... Day 9

Here are my statistics from day 1:
Blood pressure: 168/99
Blood sugar: 115 after a handful of nuts, but no breakfast
Weight: 352

Today's statistics after 9 days:
Blood Pressure: 148/90 -- Wow!!
Blood Sugar: 97 -- Wow!! -- that is after a meal of breaded fish with steamed cabbage/broccoli/carrots
Weight: slightly under 342

Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!!

The upper number on my blood pressure has come down 20 points in precisely 9 days!!  No medication that any doctor ever prescribed for me has been able to do that! I am ecstatic! And the lower number has come down 9 points, too -- both of these are important. They are not "normal" yet -- but they are a lot closer to normal than they were.

I am not sure I have ever measured a 97 on the glucose meter since I have been checking -- sporadically for over a year! That is a reduction from day one of 18 points.

I have not had a blood pressure reading as low as this one for a very long time. I am completely flabbergasted at these good results and all from simply making a few changes in what I eat. Perhaps the exercise yesterday, helped, but the main change has been in what I am eating. And I am not "measuring" anything. I just fix a protein portion, in the same amounts I have gotten used to eating and added vegetables -- some raw and some steamed. I cut out the sugars I was telling myself I could ignore, and followed the program. I am just completely amazed that these numbers have come out of my body.

I am now completely convinced that is the perfect program for me and I am praising the Lord for the good doctor and the good writer who got together to share this with the world -- and me. Thank you Dr Rip and thank you Jim Healthy for your book "The 30 Day Diabetes Cure."  I am looking forward to seeing what happens as I continue following the program. I think it can only get better.

On to Day 9 in the book: Eliminate junky protein.  I promised to share the quote for today and here it is: "Red meat is not bad for you. Now blue-green meat, that's bad for you!" -- Tommy Smothers. It made me laugh.

Dr. Rip is obviously talking about red meat today, which he really says is not bad for you IF -- and that is a big IF -- you are eating grass fed and not grain fed beef. He says we can eat any kind of beef, pork, poultry, eggs and dairy as long as it is NOT PROCESSED and does not come from a commercial feed lot. He goes into pretty good detail describing his reasons for saying this -- and before I read it, I kind of "pooh-poohed" it in my mind. But after reading it I am going to be shopping where I can get the grass fed, pesticide free and hormone free cuts of beef to eat.

I already have been eating the cage-free chicken eggs for many years. I had seen some information about how the commercial egg ranchers build a big barn and stack the chickens up in cages never letting them see the light of day. They injure their feet on the wire which makes them unhealthy and in stress all the time. But the worst part was letting them defecate on the ones below -- which the ones below eat. That was all it took to get me off of that awful stuff. And the cage-free eggs have been in grocery stores for a long time. I buy mine at Kroger.

If you do a simple comparison, yourself, of the caged eggs and the cage-free eggs, you will find, like I did, that the caged eggs fall short in every category. They do not measure up in taste, or consistency of the egg in the shell, or even the texture of the egg shell, itself. The taste is heartier, fresher and just plain tastier in the cage free carton. The egg white and yolk also do not come out runny and thin but thick and healthy looking as they stand up in the pan keeping their shape. And the egg shells are always harder and thicker, meaning healthier in my mind and there is less breakage in the carton -- which I check for in every carton I buy.

Dr Rip elaborates on the double dangers of eating processed meats starting on page 161 and shows us what meats to look for. He calls them "lean, clean, and green" on page 163.  It clearly is not "red meat" that is the problem for humans -- it is the "quality" of the meat which is affected not only by how it was raised -- whether a natural environment or an inhumane setting -- but by how it was processed and prepared. Humans are carnivores and eating healthy red meat supplies good vitamins and minerals that we need. And since it has been proven that eating refined carbs is what lines the blood vessels with plaque and cholesterol we are free to start eating a steak once a while without any worries.  Grass fed beef is even lower in calories -- by about half -- and it has 400% more vitamin E. He says: "There's a big difference between a can of Spam(R) and a pasture-raised sirloin." I am definitely in.

God bless you,

Be back soon,



  1. Praise God! You are staying faithful and healing is occurring. You can still do milk? I had to let that go, skim up to whole has 8-14 grams of sugar in a cup. It has been good for me though, in my case I think my stomach couldn't handle it but I was in denial. I would do a gallon a week, ah I loved milk.

  2. HI AR,
    Yes, God is Good! And I am grateful! Like you, I don't really "do milk" either -- except for a little evaporated milk in my hot chocolate with Stevia. (I grew up drinking lots of milk and loving it, but I'm no longer a baby in need of milk.) Dr Rip swears by yogurt which I might do from time to time, but not on a regular basis. I have this odd condition where if I eat too much lactic acid (found in fermented products) it makes me anxious -- so I do not do too many "fermented" items.

  3. We've started buying the cage free eggs after that last recall of eggs where it showed on the news how the hens were kept in those tiny cages. Now I'm really getting interested in getting this book so I can find out how to get the grass fed beef! Found your site through the 30 day diabetes cure book site. Both my husband and I are type 2 and besides the health risks it would also be wonderful to get rid of the cost!

  4. Hi Adrienne! Nice to hear from you. I trust you have found the cage free eggs taste better, too! I actually found that I simply left beef behind and have not eaten any, except occasionally when eating at a friend's house. I believe you can buy it at "Whole Foods" if they have one in your area. The "30 Day Diabetes Cure" program got me headed in the right direction, and I am grateful for that. I have moved a step farther on with the raw food program which is helping me to lose weight -- when I do it. It always depends on whether you actually do it or not. God bless you and your husband in your endeavors.


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