Saturday, June 2, 2012

BPDown Answers from Barry Shore

I contacted Barry Shore, the creator of the BPDown program to ask him some questions about how to do the program properly and he got back to me today with the answers I needed. Here is my letter and his response below:
Hi Barry,

Thanks for your nice e-mail and for shipping my BPDown so quidkly. I do have three questions about the BPDown exercises if you have time to answer them.

1. I find the CD goes along at a pretty fast clip and I have trouble speeding my breathing up that fast to keep up --  would it still be effective if I slowed the breathing part down to fit my personal breathing pattern which is deep and slow (I am a singer) -- or should I speed up and use shallow breath's to keep up with the pace of the CD? Which is most effective in your experience?

2. I've only been using it in the evening for a few days but find when I measure my blood pressure immediately afterwards it is pretty high -- actually higher than usual. Is this normal? (I had been practicing long slow deep relaxing breathing exercises on my own which always immediately lowers my blood pressure for the moment, but not for any continued length of time, that I noticed -- so this seems odd to me.)

3. I have noticed a good response in my morning numbers -- they appear to be at least 10 points lower on both upper and lower than I've recently been getting... so I'm taking this as a sign that it is working. Is this also normal?

answers from Barry...
1. don’t speed up your breathing. natural pace is best.
2. best results come after a few hours. prolonged lower blood pressure usually comes after a few weeks.
3. low morning numbers is a sign that BPDown is working.
good luck
Barry Shore
Here is a link to his website if you are interested in his program:  (This is completely unsolicited -- I'm not getting a thing to share the program with you. In fact, I never do. Anything I share on my blog is completely from my desire to share fully with others who are in need, as I have been, or interested in reading the info for themselves.)
I really appreciated his getting back to me with good answers that I can use. I now feel much more confident about what I am doing and will not try to speed up my breathing to match the CD. As Barry says: Natural pace is best.

I needed a timer in order to accomplish that task so I went online to from c/net and searched for a free one. I've used this web site for years to find free and even unfree software. I only recall one time, a long time ago, where my download became a problem, but it was easy to fix. For the most part I've not had any other problems with their downloads. They have a group of programmers and editors who go over the programs and they also have a rating system so I feel that makes it easier and safer to find and choose what I need. 

I chose the one called "Free Countdown Timer" and set it up for a three-minute interval for doing my BPDown program. It waits until I put a check in the box next to the 3-minute time that I set up and then it simply counts down until it reaches zero. I've chosen the bird chime as the alarm because it seemed more peaceful to me as I practice my isometric hand exercises and the deep breathing exercises. The program works in four segments of three minutes for a total of 12 minutes spent either squeezing and breathing or breathing to the patterns that Barry has recommended in his instructions.

Like I said before, there are other similar hi-tech devices for sale but they cost between $300 and $400 dollars each and only cover one aspect of the techniques for lowering blood pressure. They incorporate either the breathing or the isometric hand exercises but not both. The BPDown program at $49 with free shipping, is a steal in comparison. 
What you are paying for with your $49 is Barry's experience and instructions on how to do it. You could get the "squeezy" balls nearly anywhere, but they might not be the right density. Barry provides the tension that is precisely needed for the program to work. 
The CD is plain and simple. It immediately gives you the pace you need to do the exercises, too. If you are a shallow breather it may be perfect for you, but, if you are a slow breather like I am it is useful as a guide to show you how to do the program properly. Barry has taken all the "guess work" out and hands over to you a complete, inexpensive program, that he created and uses himself to keep his own blood pressure at the numbers our doctors love.

Of course, I am still at the beginning stages but I am doing it diligently. So far a few morning numbers have been an improvement but I still get some of my same normal numbers too. I am hoping that by the time my next doctor's appointment rolls around on the 28th of June that I will be seeing good results with better BP numbers and my doctor won't have to try to force me to take some BP lowering medication that I really don't want to take.

I've been trying to lose weight for a long time now with only what I call minor success so I've needed to find some other way to deal with the blood pressure issue while I continue on the path of trying to lose weight.

I've been thinking about how to improve my eating program so I begin to lose weight again. I'm exercising regularly.  I'm eating the right things most of the time. I only have cheat meals about once a week, which is proper, but I'm not losing. It has occurred to me that I have not tried the opposite of a cheat meal which would be a fasting meal and I'm wondering how that might work. I recall reading that some people incorporate weekly fasting into their program. I think I'm going to be doing a little reading about that and see what I come up with.

On to better health...

Hope you are well!

Be back soon,


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