Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year to Good Friends & Beloved Family


Red Zinger. I now know why it is called Red Zinger. If you are unfamiliar with the name it is an herbal tea made by Celestial Seasonings. I had purchased some when the market was out of dried Hibiscus flowers and had begun taking it after having been told about it from my personal doctor as a remedy for high blood pressure. Even though I was making a very mild tea with it, I began to notice I could not take it close to bedtime because it seemed to keep me awake.

Well a day or so ago it did more than that. I was just sitting and watching some TV and had made a stronger pot of tea so was sipping a cup, and started having some pretty bizarre and scary thoughts. I reigned in the fear and wondered why this was happening as I turned and glanced at the half full cup of Red Zinger tea. Wow!  I actually had a panic attack from drinking Red Zinger tea. It does not seem to affect me unless I drink it for a few days in a row, which is what my doctor instructed me to do. But now I know why it is called Red Zinger -- it certainly does.

So if you need something to help keep you awake then Red Zinger will certainly do the job. I have not drunk any since that incident and my emotions are now back to normal. So that means I will continue with the Hawthorn berry and skip the hibiscus as a daily dose. I suppose once in a while could be OK but I cannot drink it on a daily schedule.  Whew.

I have had trouble with certain food items causing fear, bizarre thoughts, and panic attacks before. One thing I discovered when I was trying out some fermented tea (Kombucha) that a friend had shared with me. It is very tasty so I started making it myself. It was supposed to be very good for the digestion because it was "grown" from a colony that had been shared. As you make it, you create your own colony from which to make further batches. Many people use it. I was curious about it and started reading everything I could find on the internet and ran across an interesting statement from a Kombucha guru who said that the fermentation process creates lactic acid -- but consuming lactic acid will cause panic attacks in certain individuals. It turned out that I am one of those people.

I believe this process of lactic acid formation happens in all things that ferment. That is perhaps the reason that I have never been attracted to alcohol -- it makes me feel really bad. I have only tried it a few times in my life and I really don't like the physical reaction I get. I have often wondered how others could possibly drink it when it makes me feel so bad. I cannot drink even a little wine -- two fingers of wine in a glass filled up with water and I feel like I have the flu. I cannot eat yogurt for many days in a row for the same reason. Since I am aware of the problem it is no biggy to deal with it. You just don't eat or drink a lot of fermented foods. They are supposed to be good for the body in other ways, so they are fine to partake once a while, but in no way can I do them on a daily basis. I don't know if my Red Zinger/hibiscus tea reaction is from lactic acid but there is something in it that affects me, so, fore warned is fore armed and I don't have to do that again. (Maybe it comes from being a blood type A+ -- they say that the A's are the most sensitive. Perhaps it is true. Oh well.)

For what it is worth, if you have never had a problem with panic attacks you are probably fine to drink both Kombucha and Red Zinger but if you are like me, you may want to avoid drinking those things on anything like a regular daily schedule. I suppose a cup or two now and again would probably not cause a problem but it seems to build up in the system if you drink it every day and that will cause problems for some people. At least that is what I found in my life.  Just passing on the info.

I was also becoming a little bored with the salad dressing I was using. I had been making a simple mixture of apple cider vinegar, a little water to thin down the vinegar (vinegar is fermented so perhaps my daily use of this dressing contributed to the speed of my other reactions -- may have to cut back on the vinegar -- we'll see) and some extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). I had even recycled an old round globe bottom, tall stemmed glass bottle that I had purchased filled with red wine vinegar and one of those plastic pouring inserts that slows down the output. I liked the bottle so had saved two of them. It was absolutely perfect for salad dressing of this sort. But I was no longer enjoying the bland flavor. Even though I sprinkle my salad greens with lots of turmeric/curry powder (homemade), powdered garlic, Italian herbs, salt and pepper, my salad was just becoming tasteless to me. So one day I opened up the dairy cover in the fridge and noticed I had a honey mustard packet from Wendy's and pulled it out and dumped it on my salad along with some of my bland dressing to make it thinner and more like dressing than dip.

The different taste was refreshing, even though a bit odd, but I realized I could add something to my bland dressing to spice it up a little and why not some prepared mustard? So I opened the bottle, pried off the plastic spout, and dumped in some spicy brown mustard. I also pulled out the liquid aminos which are like soy sauce and dropped a couple of salty drizzles into the bottle. At first it did not mix well and each layer separated as it sat in the bottle. It was odd looking with that thin dark brown stripe of liquid aminos, between the individual layers of spicy brown mustard, EVOO and vinegar water, but it sure tasted good. As I used it for a few days and shook it up each time it began to become blended and is now a nice cloudy yellow color which stays blended and tastes very good on my salad. Problem solved.

My morning salad today was excellent. I have made a change in how I do that too. I used to go to the trouble of making each salad I ate all day long. That was at least three salads and sometimes more that I had to make every day and I was beginning to avoid making them. Eating right had become a chore. One day I was making my small salad and along side it I was making a large salad in a flat round plastic container to take to a friend's house for some occasion. As I worked I realized that it did not matter how big the salad was, it was all the same actions. I realized it was just as easy to make a huge salad as it was to make a small one. So I got the idea to make a large "daily" salad in the morning and eat off of it all day long. I sprinkle the herbs and seasonings with salt and pepper on the daily large salad in the morning but do not put the dressing on until after I have scooped out my individual salad and added a few nuts. It lasts pretty well for the whole day in the fridge and is a lot less of a chore now.

It is kind of like having "fast food" right in my fridge. It is already prepared and when I get hungry I pull out the container, scoop out some freshly made salad, dress it up and eat. Sure saves a lot of time and is a whole lot less boring for me.

I am still dealing with cravings, though. I went my three days without starches but suffered with sporadic cravings the whole time. It was all I could do on the third night not to stop and get some chili cheese fries at Hardees which is only one block from my house. (I chose those because my first craving was for hot dogs from QT, and even though it was a starchy food with a lot of bad fats, I justified it in my mind by knowing that I was, at the very least, not eating any grains or flour in a bun. Addiction is crazy.) Only with the help of God was I able to get through the three days without a starchy food episode. I did not make it through the fourth day. I broke down, had a low carb burger and chili cheese fries before going shopping at Whole Foods for fresh salad fixings and other groceries.

I also noticed on the third day, as I dealt with a very strong craving that I had fear behind it when I did not act on the craving. That was a little scary, but as I think about it today, that might have been left overs from the Red Zinger.  I also prayed and asked God to help me with that one. I'm not experiencing that right now as I am completely satisfied with my morning salad.

I just realized that tonight is "Watch Night" service at church where we pray in the New Year and there will be food there. I usually let myself eat a few (not a lot) of traditional foods on holidays and I have a New Year's day party tomorrow. I will try to make good choices on both occasions, not feel too guilty if I partake a little, and then remember that on Sunday I can begin again in the new year to follow the healthy program I have found for myself. Having the goal and a plan helps to keep things in line. I don't have to fall into a pit when I go off the program. I believe it is really OK to stumble a little as long as you know that the next day or next meal will be the beginning of new habits AGAIN.

Every day is a new beginning and tomorrow will be a whole new year! The question is what shall I do with this new day? I pray that God will show me what He wants me to do and make me able to accomplish it. You cannot live a year at a time, and it does no good to carry the burden of the last one into the new year. Today is the opportunity to admit or acknowledge whatever defeats you had and let go of them. Today is also the day to admit or acknowledge any wins that you had. You don't have to let go of wins, though. It is nice to have good memories, but you really cannot "hang on to them" because that can hamper the journey, too. So New Day, New Year, Clean Slate ahead. Yippee!

What do you want for the New Year?

For me 2011 will be the last year that I struggle with unemployment because I will turn 62 in October and will then go on Social Security. If I had been able to work until I was 65 my retirement benefit would have been greatly increased, but life did not happen that way. I am happy that the Lord has taken care of me and promises to continue to be my Provider. Praise the Lord.

I don't know all that this new year will bring but I trust the Lord and His Goodness! I can move forward with Him!

Jerimiah 29:11  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
12  Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
13  And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
14  I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity; ....

Happy and Prosperous New Year to You!!

God bless

Be back soon


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Various Tidbits


You may have noticed that I love to read Dr Mercola's newsletters and highly recommend them to other interested parties. You do have to give him your e-mail address but I have found that to be beneficial, so I recommend that too.

Today his full article is mainly about highly resistant strains of bacteria in humans and even their pets (MRSA ST398, human community-associated strain of MRSA, USA300,) that are actually caused by the meat industry injecting the food we eat with tons of antibiotics. If you don't have time to read his article (URL below), here is the part that really caught my attention (bold face mine):
"Last but not least, let's swing back to the overuse of antibiotics in medicine for a moment. Because in addition to promoting antibiotic-resistant disease, the use of antibiotics will also have the immediate health effect of killing off all the healthy, beneficial bacteria in your body as well. This too can have a significant, detrimental impact on your health.
"As an adult, you have three to four pounds of beneficial bacteria and yeast living within your intestines. These microbes compete for nutrients from the food you eat. Usually, the strength in numbers that beneficial bacteria enjoy both keeps the ever-present yeasts in check and causes them to produce nutrients such as the B vitamins.
"However, every time you swallow antibiotics, you kill these beneficial bacteria within your intestines. When you do so, you upset the delicate balance of your intestinal terrain. Yeasts grow unchecked into large colonies and take over, in a condition called dysbiosis.
"Yeasts are opportunistic organisms. This means that, as your intestinal bacteria die, yeasts thrive, especially when their dietary needs are met. Using their tendrils (hyphae), yeast can literally poke holes through the lining of your intestinal wall, which results in a syndrome called leaky gut. In addition, parasitic yeasts can also cause you to change what you eat by causing "cravings" for carbohydrates like sugar, pasta and bread, for example.
"So, it should come as no surprise that weight gain counts as one of the telltale signs of antibiotic damage and subsequent yeast overgrowth.
"By altering the normal terrain of your intestines, antibiotics can also make food allergies more likely. An array of intestinal disorders can ensue, as well.
"Sadly, many doctors dismiss the connection between their patients' intestinal disorders and the drugs they themselves prescribed. So, beware, and always make sure to repopulate your gut with a high quality probiotic every time you use an antibiotic.
"The prevalence of antibiotics in the meats you eat could potentially also contribute to this intestinal imbalance, making organic, grass-fed meats all the more appealing.*
Found at:

I especially noticed the "cravings" and the "weight gain" part of a yeast infection and was not much interested in having the yeast cause a "leaky gut," either. Good reason to keep things under control with probiotics. I don't do kefir or yogurt (avoiding dairy) so take the supplements, even though they seem to be pretty expensive. The cheapest ones I have found that I think are effective are Schiff "Digestive Support", "Probiotic Acidophilus." It is a single acidophilus, so it needs to be replenished pretty often in the gut, but it is only nine-fifty for a bottle of 100 tablets (1,000,000,000 CFU) at Rainbow Foods in Decatur, GA and I don't think you can beat the price. Every once in a while I splurge on the kind with multiple strains, but they are usually over twenty bucks for a one month supply. The ones with the multiple strains don't need to be replenished in the gut as often, if I understand them correctly, so can be taken in a more sporadic way which makes them last longer and they will still be effective. I keep mine in the fridge and try to only buy them where they are displayed in a cooler, too. That keeps them alive and active longer. So I am told.

I did go off the wagon on Christmas Eve at a friend's house by having a piece of candy and two very small pieces of pumpkin pie, and a bowl of home made chili, with crackers, but did not think that was too bad, until I noticed that for the next few days I was craving starchy fast foods again. I indulged on two more occasions and then noticed I was continually craving them. The only way I know to cut that out is to simply ignore the cravings for three days, eat lots of raw veggie salads and a little meat or fish or eggs during that three days, and hopefully on the third day, the cravings will be gone. I am on day two of my "get back on the wagon" plan. For now the cravings are still there but not as strong because I realize what is going on and am no longer disturbed by them. They are simply the sign that I am hungry and it is time for a good fresh salad.

My brother, Dan, told me about his having taken Hawthorn Berry capsules for his high blood pressure and that over a period of time his blood pressure has normalized from having done so. I talked to my doctor about it and she said it was OK if I tried it. She also recommended Hibiscus flower tea. I have been doing both but became curious about how they work.

I found out that the Hibiscus flower tea is a natural diuretic and I have noticed that I've been letting out a lot of water for the past few days. Hoping that slows down after the three craving days are past. She suggested that I have two cups a day. I figured she meant normal strength, so I make a 12-cup pot at a weak strength (one tea bag) and drink it all day long until the 12-cup pot is empty. That kills two birds with one stone for me. I am supposed to drink more water, too, and this helps in that department. Sometimes I use two bags for variety. I am finding that I don't like to drink it late at night because it appears to keep me awake. I'm not completely sure about that, but am drinking it more during the day now.

I then alternate with chamomile tea in the next pot and for late night. It promotes relaxation and sleep. Sometimes I have half a pot left over in the morning so have cold tea to take my meds and supplements with. Oddly enough, when I went to Rainbow food market and asked about Hibiscus tea he was all out and would not get any in until next week, but offered some "Red Zinger" which has Hisbiscus as the first ingredient, so I bought some. I had already found some loose hibiscus flowers at Whole Foods and had been making that for a few days using coffee filters. I finally found a tea ball at the Lilburn International Farmers Market for only a buck and a half so am not using up the filters anymore.  I make all my tea in my coffee maker. It is easy, I don't have to monitor it closely, and the tea makes itself, just like the coffee does. Using the tea ball or a tea bag, I just hang the string over the edge of the pot and let the hot water drip in. If using the filter, I put a couple of pinches of dried hibiscus flowers in a coffee filter and it makes it pretty much the same way it does coffee. I have even, in the past put the tea bags in the coffee filter and it works pretty well, but why waste a filter if you don't need to?

The manager at Rainbow had said that Dr. Oz had recommended Hibiscus tea for some purpose and that was why he was suddenly out of stock. I looked at but did not find anything short that talked about it. I did not want to watch whole episodes at the time, but may in the future, just to find out why he was recommending it. As I am thinking about it, I also remember that at the Rainbow market I got some coconut and carob drops which I think may have also contributed to my carb cravings. I had read that coconut will keep the blood sugar stable, but you have to eat it wisely. I am never wise with sweets, so, there you go. Once an addict, always an addict.

I checked out "" and found out that Hawthorn berry is good for the circulation and the heart. They said, "Used to promote the health of the circulatory system, treat angina, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia and has been found to strengthen the heart." You can read the whole article at: if you are interested. They even recommend some brands and prices at the bottom of the page. It seems reasonably priced but you should be able to get the hawthorn berry locally for a small price, anyway.

Hope all is well with you.

Be back soon,


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!

I am finally feeling the Christmas spirit. I have been enjoying the songs of Jesus birth and enjoying the lights and decorations.

People have been sending Christmas videos and e-cards. I love the e-cards because they are fun to watch and fun to send. If you missed someone on your snail mail card list and you know their e-mail you can send one any time and they know you remembered them.

Here are a couple of Christmas videos that I liked receiving and sending:

If you look around at youtube you can find all kinds of Christmas Videos.

I heard a statement on the radio as I drove down the road today listening to a pastor teaching. I broke into the middle so I don't know his name, although I have heard his voice many times.  He said something that made my ears perk up: "Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship."

I don't recall his explanation but I recall that it made sense. In order to be a Christian you have to talk to Jesus. It is not about following rules it is about loving God.

My all time favorite Christian quote is from Ravi Zacharias: "Jesus Christ did not come to make the bad people good. He came to make the dead people live."

The first time I encountered this it struck a strong chord in me and it has remained so, ever since. I had thought that in order to be a good Christian I had a lot of work to do.The following scripture shows the purpose of Christ's being born was to give us life. He also says that He is the good shepherd -- that he knows his sheep -- and his sheep know him. That is relationship.

John 10:10  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
11  I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
12  But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.
13  The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.
14  I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
15  As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

You cannot become a Christian by doing good works, you can only become a Christian by coming to know Jesus Christ. Then after you know Him, you desire to do the good works that the Lord sets in front of you to do and He gives you the Holy Spirit and gifts to do the things He desires of you.

We, being still in the flesh, do struggle sometimes but when we turn to Jesus in our struggle He makes our path straight.

I just want to say how grateful I am for the birth and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, my Lord, Who lives in Heaven right this second. I pray that you come to know Him and the safety of His arms around you. He is gracious and kind. He is the only Potentate!!

I just learned what "Potentate" means. I noticed that the root word for Potentate was "potent" and immediately thought the word "power" so I knew it must mean "All Mighty God" when used in this context. I looked it up and found it means "a powerful ruler."

Here is the verse in Timothy:

Tim 6:14  That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
15  Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
16  Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.
17  Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
18  That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;
19  Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

We lay hold on eternal life by laying hold on Him, which also means to love what He loves, and do what He does. Give to the poor and communicate about Jesus to others that they too may have life everlasting with Him!!

You see, the Bible does say that Jesus Christ is God. He was not a man who became God, he was God who became Man.

Mt 1:23  Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

He is still with us.

Heb 13:5  Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

I trust His word. He is as good as His word. He stands on His word. I stand on His word, also.

I am grateful to live in the USA where I may worship according to the dictates of my own heart and my heart belongs to Jesus.

Not that I am perfect, but I press on, as Paul said:

Phil 3:12  Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
13  Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,
14  I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Knowing to a small degree Who He Is, I wish you more intimacy with the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the One and Only Potentate!! May you come to know Him deeply!

You are loved!

Merry Christmas!

Be back soon


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Astaxanthin, New Year's Resolutions, and God Working

"Astaxanthin: The Most Powerful Antioxidant Ever Discovered for Eye Health"

    "Scientists have studied lutein, zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and astaxanthin for their respective abilities to protect the retina. But none function to the degree that astaxanthin does, in terms of potency as a free radical scavenger and/or permeability across your blood-brain-retina barrier.

    "Dr. Mark Tso of the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University (considered by most professionals to be the most prestigious ophthalmology training center in the world) has clearly demonstrated that astaxanthin is the clear winner when it comes to protecting your eyes. He discovered that astaxanthin easily crosses into the tissues of the eye and exerts its effects safely and with more potency than any of the other carotenoids, without adverse reactions.

    "Specifically, Tso determined astaxanthin could improve or prevent light-induced damage, photoreceptor cell damage, ganglion cell damage, and damage to the neurons of the inner retinal layers.

    "He concluded that astaxanthin supplementation could be effective in preventing or treating a whole host of eye diseases, including:

        * Age-related macular degeneration
        * Diabetic neuropathy
        * Cystoid macular edema
        * Central retinal arterial and venous occlusion
        * Glaucoma
        * Inflammatory eye diseases (i.e., retinitis, iritis, keratitis, scleritis, etc.)

    "Remember, krill oil naturally contains astaxanthin, but if you are going to give astaxanthin a try, I recommend starting with 2 mg per day. If you are on a krill oil supplement, take that into consideration -- different krill products have different concentrations of astaxanthin, so check your label."*

After reading another Dr Mercola article, similar to the quoted one above, I purchased some Krill Oil and an Astaxanthin supplement online. I was told by my ophthalmologist about a year ago that I have age-related macular degeneration so when I found out about the Astaxanthin I figured I'd better get on the band wagon and have done so. I guess I will see over time if it actually makes a difference.

What Dr. Mercola says about checking the Astaxanthin levels in the Krill oil is really important. I miss read the information on mine and thought that each tablet had 1.5 mg of Astaxanthin but each one has half of that because two krill oil pills together add up to 1.5 mg. So I also ordered some Astaxanthin which comes from the sea weed Haematococcus pluvialis (same as the krill eat) with 4 mg in each tablet.

The other article I had read from Dr. Mercola's site said that a person needed to take 4 mg per day so I figured a little more might help because I already needed it before that time. So, I take a total of 5.5 mg per day at this point in time which is two Krill oil and one Astaxanthin supplement each day.

I seem to be becoming a little bored with eating just salad. At least that is what I thought yesterday but I have noticed that I have not had any feta cheese for a few weeks now and my supply of raw nuts ran out a few days ago. They are the things that add interest and good flavor for me. So I went yesterday and got some raw nuts, but did not notice at that time that the feta cheese was also missing. I'll have to get some when I can. Even just having the nuts I need has given me new interest in fresh raw salad again.

It sure seems like a juggling act to remember to eat the proper things, have the proper things on hand, exercise, and take my medicine and supplements when I am supposed to, but when I do that, life runs a little smoother for me.

I've been struggling with the exercise lately but started to get that back on track when I re-made the agreement with my cousin that if I did not exercise three times a week I would owe her ten dollars for each time I did not exercise in the week. So far I have not had to pay her, but sometimes I'm doing it by the skin of my teeth if you know what I mean.

Sounds like I need to look at my New Year's Resolutions in earnest. I like thinking of the new year as a fresh start. It will be here in just a few days and I like to be prepared beforehand. At my church there will be what they call a "Watch Night" service where we all gather together, have a nice meal, any preacher in the church who wants to speak stands and shares what is on their heart, and then we all pray in the New Year at midnight. It is cleansing and fun yet a solemn occasion too.

It is important to pray for America and for people's hearts to be turned towards Jesus who is the one and only Potentate, Lord of lords, and King of kings. In my opinion many of the recent troubles we have seen come upon us are the result of greed, dishonesty, and a increasing lack of integrity on the part of many of our rich and famous, and also our leaders in Washington, DC. It seems to me that it started with 911 and the twin towers and went downhill after that. It was a rather slow descent into the valley we are in right now.

For me, I am grateful that God is stirring things up and letting people know that He does not approve of falsehood, greed, and misrepresentation in any form. I had been watching the economy from my particular perch and was truly wondering where it would all end. I knew that it could only end the way it has with a collapse of the hot air balloon. It had no other place to go and I did not like to think about what that really meant. We are living it now. The prices of homes had already gotten so inflated that they were unreal. Remember back a few years ago when they were beginning to sell "million dollar" homes? And then they were starting to be two or three or seven million dollars? Things had gotten so out of hand there was no other place to go but down. And that is surely what has happened.

People are now looking around and seeing the truth instead of their imaginations. I have confidence in what God is doing. He is turning hearts and minds to Him. I hope that people are finally finding out that they are not the ones in charge and that our only hope is in Him. I do have hope in Him. Even when the circumstances might "prove" otherwise, God is not at rest. He is working all the time and He has good things in store for those who put their trust in Him.

When I was a child I used to question the Bible verse that said: "Peace on earth, good will to men" by wondering where the "peace" was. I had heard about Jesus, but I had not come to know Him intimately, yet, so my understanding was limited. I looked around at the wars we were involved in, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iran and it seems the list just kept going on. I did not know that that was not the peace that the angels were talking about.

Just before Jesus was crucified this is what he said to his followers:

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

There is a peace that comes from knowing Jesus and trusting in God the Father. When a person finally comes to understand that God is only Good, that He is always Just and Righteous, and that He actually Loves us, because of Who He Is (the God of Love), that a person even begins to understand "His peace" -- which becomes a personal possession once it has been bestowed -- but only after we come unto Jesus and seek Him.

So many verses are flooding my brain:

Ph 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
5  Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
6  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

In these verses we have simple things that are required of us and promises that are made to us :

We are told to REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAY (that means the good times and bad times, too)

We are reminded that THE LORD IS AT HAND (He is never far away)

Told to BE MODERATE, BUT NOT CAREFUL ( meaning to be gentle with people and practices, and not anxious over circumstances)


and in your prayer to GIVE THANKS

We are promised that when we turn to God for help HE GIVES us PEACE OF MIND and HE GUARDS OUR HEARTS IN CHRIST JESUS

This is the peace that PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING and it comes from TRUSTING IN JESUS.

In the second set of verses

Mtt 6:31  Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32  (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33  But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

We are again told NOT TO BE ANXIOUS about THINGS

GOD KNOWS that we need things and what they are

But if we SEEK GOD'S KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS -- and not our own kingdom or our own righteousness -- GOD WILL PROVIDE ALL WE NEED

I trust that God will take care of me and you. If you have enough to give to those in need that is a good and faithful work. If you don't have a "thing" to give, then give them your prayers in Jesus name. He has plenty to give, for He is Infinite -- (meaning without end).

Many hours later:
God is so good to me!! He just gave me a miracle! I had just driven into the mobile home park in which I live (posted speed 10 MPH) and I was braking to go over a speed bump when my heart jumped because I had to push my brakes nearly to the floor to feel any resistance on the pedal and to slow the car down. I continued on to my house, unloaded the groceries, as I thanked God that it all happened like it did. I was only a few hundred feet from my house, the road had no traffic on it, no accident happened, and I was only about half a block from my service center, and I was able to stop my car. I just kept thanking Him over and over for taking such wonderful care of me. I also began to ponder how I was going to pay for the repairs, as I drove to the Goodyear next to my house where I often get my car serviced.

When I told the mechanic what had happened he reacted like this was a big one and I would need the head mechanic to look at it -- but he was busy. I figured they would keep it over night. Another man suggested that they could at least put it up on the rack and check it out as I waited. I prayed as I waited that God would help me to pay for the repairs and to make them inexpensive, and thanked Him again, that it happened in such a very perfect manner. If I had made a request in advance, it could not have been better.

Later the mechanic walked up to where I was sitting and said they found nothing wrong with the brakes any where. Front were good. Back were good. I asked about the brake fluid, and the hoses, and the master cylinder. He said there were no leaks in the master cylinder and the break fluid was good and they even checked all the bolts. They did not find even one thing wrong!! I was literally flabbergasted. I asked him how much I owed him and he said nothing -- not a thing -- and then said merry Christmas when I left.

I began to wonder, though. I had tested the brakes at least three more times before I stopped the car, when it initially happened and felt the soft pedal. But when I started the car again and drove to Goodyear, they seemed much closer to normal. After it was checked out and I left Goodyear I realized that I would have to pay attention for a while because mechanical things do not normally get healed on their own -- but then I realized that God had given me a miracle. I will pay attention to the brakes -- but I am thanking God for this incredible miracle today. God is so good to me! Thank you Lord!!

Be back soon,


*Taken from Dr. Mercola's article: "Higher Animal Based Omega-3 Intake Shown Protective Against Most Common Cause of Blindness"  -- found at:

Friday, December 10, 2010

What are we Feeding Our Kids?


I went to a Christmas party last night. Or more correctly I volunteered to help a lady from my church who put on a party for what is called "Joy Circle" which is a weekly meeting for the teens in the small church that I go to. I've never gotten involved in this group before so don't really know much about it but I could very clearly see how much my friend loves those kids. We had one three-year-old and one about eight, the rest were in their teens and a few are in their early twenties. The beforehand head count had been twenty.

I had no idea what they would be eating but pretty much guessed there would be not much for me to eat and follow my program. I stopped and got a Hardee's low carb burger which is a burger with no bun, wrapped in lettuce and paper for holding. It was not the healthiest choice but I was in a hurry and it had no starchy carbs which is a plus. I absolutely knew I had to have a full tummy when I got there or I might succumb, which I did not want to do. (By the way I've now hit the 20 pound mark.)

When I showed up a little late I was completely stunned by the overwhelming abundance of crackers and cookies and candy and snacks that completely covered a whole six-foot table and half of another one. The meal was nachos so I helped to open one of the huge industrial sized cans of cheese that was put in a roaster to keep warm. The can opener was chintzy and hard to use and the cans were dented so I wore out my wrist turning and turning that pitiful imitation can opener around those giant cans of cheese sauce. I could not get it open in the normal way but bent up the section I was able to open and spooned out and poured out the cheese sauce. Some one else had to open the other one, my wrist could take no more..

I said nothing. I just observed. I was there to help out, not to judge. I helped to cut the tomatoes while someone else cut the onions and hot peppers for the nachos. Large bowls of corn chips were laid out. A pot of canned chili heated up on the opposite end of the long counter from the warming cheese. A big bowl of rice was placed on the counter as was more hot peppers, cooked hamburger meat, sour cream and salsa.

Soon the kids started showing up. It was fun to see them come in all excited. It did not take long for all of them to form a line, say the blessing, and fill their plates. By that time, I was so exhausted all I could do was sit down with one of the other exhausted ladies. We did not sit long, though. The other lady stood up and started uncovering the crackers and cookies, so I did the same and uncovered a couple of platters of roasted nuts and went to get more serving spoons.

Then the lady giving the bash brought in little presents all wrapped in pretty Christmas paper with every individual's name on one. She even had one for me. I got a cooking mitt and a hot pad with little snow men on them. I thought that was nice of her to do. Then after she passed out the presents she just kept bringing out more stuff for the kids. She had enough socks that each one could pick out two pairs and then she started handing out candy. She had a bag full of giant Good Bars, big boxes of skittles, and two tubs of bubble gum. I really have no idea what all she gave them. I saw boxes of Russell Stover chocolates and boxes of chocolate covered cherries.

I saw the kids going to the table and getting second helpings of chocolate covered raisins and chocolate covered marshmallow stuffed cookies and well, you name it, and they were eating it.

When I began to be a little tempted the Lord put thoughts about how that stuff would raise my uric acid levels and I turned and walked away. I ate a salad made of lettuce, tomatoes, hamburger meat, salsa, sour cream and roasted nuts. I had waited for all the children to get their plates and then I got mine and sat down near the other adults. The buzz in the room was enormous. Everyone seemed to be talking and joking and having a good time as they consumed gargantuan amounts of starchy carbs and sweets.

I was sitting near the three-year-old who is a little cutie and seems to be the pet of the church. He was eating a gigantic dill pickle which really surprised me. He very carefully ate the whole thing, which also surprised me, and pushed away the little bit of chips and cheese and nuts he had on his plate and went to wash his hands from the pickle juice. (His big sister who is probably about seventeen was there watching over him.) After washed his hands he started doing the things three year olds do. Picking up all the candy canes that had been laid out as place settings from the empty seats. At one point he had an armload of them and brought them to the lady who was throwing the party. At least that is what I think happened, I later saw the pile of candy canes next to her plate.

As I observed all the candy and sweets and crackers and nachos that were eaten it surely seemed that what I have been reading about the standard American diet is actually true. I recalled from my own childhood which was fifty years ago, that I used to eat the same things these children were eating. Dad used to give my sister and brother and me twenty-five cents each as a weekly allowance and we went immediately to the neighborhood store and spent every penny on candy or comic books.  Back then, you could buy enough candy to choke a horse for twenty-five cents. The prices are higher now, but the vision is not. The adult who put the party on, truly loves these kids and feeds them what she thinks they want. Or perhaps she was feeding them what she wanted -- a carbohydrate addict will do that -- and in the process help to create other carbohydrate addicts.

I did notice that some of the children simply did not open the candy boxes that she handed out. They had eaten their meal and desired no more food. I recalled that when I was their age, I was quite a bit over weight and I would have opened the box and sampled them. Not wanting to let others know that later that night when I got home I would have consumed the rest of the box -- or at least over the next day. The two layer box of chocolates would not have lasted more than three days.

I wanted to commend four of the older girls who got up immediately when we started to clean up, and without asking or being asked, quickly began to put things away. I began washing dishes but my back was hurting a lot and one of the girls came over and told me to sit down, that they would take care of washing the dishes when they were finished putting things away. I sat down, but felt compelled to get up and wash dishes again because it was no longer getting done. I felt like I had abandoned my post, but the same sweet girl came by and told me to sit down and rest and that they would finish cleaning up. So I went and sat down, again. As I watched the girls they were very efficient and I could tell they had been well trained at home. They all came from different families but were very helpful girls. I have new admiration for them.

You know, I don't have a particular message from all this, other than that I hope eyes get opened soon. I will begin to pray for that. I still kind of wonder why people don't know about the raw food movement. It is almost like it flies underneath the radar of the culture. It is kind of a sub-culture and Americans are not aware of what is killing them. If I had actually heeded the message the first time I heard it about thirty years ago, I think a lot would have been different in my life. I remember that my reaction at the time was one of skepticism. The books I read about it seemed to be from fanatics who were doing other bizarre things like living in communes, or bathing themselves in mud, or climbing mountains. The healthy food concepts were buried amidst the otherwise outlandish lifestyles and gave off the same impression by association.

That is really too bad. The simple change to eating fifty-one percent fresh raw vegetables and staying away from processed foods is actually a really good idea. I believe that it is now proven in many ways to be the actual place we all should be heading. It may not happen en mass but it could happen one by one. I'm one.

I hope you are one, too.

Be back soon,


P.S. Here is a link to a 50% off deal that will last until Dec. 13, 2010 -- for the movie, "Food Matters" -- and a host of freebies that comes with it. Check it out. You might like it. It might even change your health:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If You Cannot Eat "Just One," You Might be a Carbohydrate Addict!


I think the way that Jeff Foxworthy talks about rednecks could be a down to earth model for looking at carbohydrate addiction which is the real cause of both obesity and diabetes, in my mind. So here goes:

If you think that you cannot stop eating cookies or potato chips until the whole bag is empty, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If you often daydream about eating junk foods that you know are not good for you, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If once you get a junk food picture in your mind, you head directly to the place where you can get some, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If someone mentions not eating any grains and you think to yourself, "yeah, right," you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If someone mentions not eating any sugar at all and you think to yourself, "never happen," you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If sugary foods have such a hold on you that you don't think there is any way to walk past them without having some, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If the thought of not eating bread or dessert makes you shudder, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If the color green is almost never found on your breakfast, lunch or dinner plate, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If the colors on your plate are all shades of brown, beige and white, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If a plate of sweets or a bowl of candy has your name written all over it, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If the bread basket has your name written on it, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If you sometimes bake a cake or make a batch of fudge for someone else, then eat it, and make another one for the intended, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If when you shop, you avoid the produce department and do most of your shopping in the center aisles, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If something just takes hold of you sometimes, and you cannot stop eating, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

If you have failed at every diet you have ever tried, you might be a carbohydrate addict.

I must share with you that I got the term and the concept of carbohydrate addiction from the Heller's. Here is a link to their web site where there is plenty of good information:

But let me warn you, I did not overcome the problem with the information that I found there and the books that I bought there. It was not their fault. I did get an education there that made a difference, I just needed something more, which I have finally found in the raw food program. And the help and guidance of the Lord who gives me the strength to overcome temptation.

I had to go farther away from the standard American diet than what they presented. If it works for them, and you, I applaud it and them and you. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It was simply not enough for me.

If you think that you cannot face one more diet, you might be a carbohydrate addict, and you have not been given the tools you need to overcome that addiction. It is not your fault. It only takes three days of not eating sugar and starchy carbs for the cravings to disappear. Try it for yourself. Test it out. See if that is the truth, or a lie. You won't know for sure, until you do it your self.

It only takes three days. You could do that, couldn't you? Sure you can. You've actually avoided some foods for months at a time, until you went back to them. You can do three days -- just to test it out and see. What have you got to lose?

I want to emphasize something else, too: It is not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken and you are not a bad person. You don't have cravings because you are not a good person, or not a strong person, or are a person lacking will power -- you have cravings because the last few meals you have eaten were loaded with carbs. Carbs are addictive. The more of them you eat, the more of them you want. Cravings do not happen to you because the universe is playing a joke on you -- the starchy carbohydrates you are eating are addictive. You just need better and more accurate information and whatever nudge you need to take that first step away from them.

I always felt "put upon" because other addictions, like smoking, or alcohol, or illegal drugs could be overcome by completely stopping them. You take the first step, you get the help you need, you get honest with yourself, and you stop doing them. You walk away. You do what you need to do, to not fall back into temptation. You don't go back. You go on with your life. But food? Well that is a different story. You gotta eat every day, don'cha? Well now I know that I was wrong about food. I can stop the thing that I am addicted to and walk away. It is not "food" you need to avoid, it is starchy, processed, refined carbohydrates and you can leave them behind for good. You can be free of your carbohydrate addiction.

The doctor telling you that you have prediabetes or diabetes could be the nudge you need to open up your eyes to this very real problem. But, and this is almost insidious, if your doctor recommends that you go see a nutritionist to learn how to eat, don't go. The standard American diabetes diet will only help you stay where you are and even get worse -- it will not reverse your diabetes because that nutritionist will NOT tell you to stop eating the carbs. They will tell you to manage them. Just eat a few. Only this little bit. That is exactly like giving just a little bit of alcohol to an alcoholic every day. He or she cannot control the addiction that way, and neither can you. Eating that little half cup serving of rice every day will get you into trouble and only continue to feed your addiction and make you feel deprived.

It will not help you get off the diabetes medication and get back to good health. How many diabetics that you know of have continued to take their prescribed medications and eat the way the doctor and the nutritionist have advised them to eat, and they are still diabetics, and still taking medication? Has their medication not been upped to a stronger one recently, and maybe they are even on insulin, now? Or a higher dose of insulin, now? Their diabetes is getting worse, not better. Look at the evidence you have seen and heard with your own eyes and ears. You know a person like this. You have seen them. Maybe he or she is one of your loved ones. Maybe you are the one. Don't lose hope, there is a real and simple solution.

Think about this. Hasn't your doctor told you that your blood sugars are too high? Think about what might cause that? How could a person's blood sugar get to be too high? How does sugar get injected into your blood stream? Did someone come up behind you and insert a needle full of sugar water into you just before the test was taken? I doubt it. The test was a tiny little teensy eensy bit of blood taken out of your finger which they then measured for sugar, with a little machine. The machine only reports the sugar numbers, it does not create them.

I know. I apologize for going to that level. You are an intelligent person and you know where the sugar is coming from. It comes from what you are putting in your hand, and then putting in your mouth which injects the sugar into your blood stream. It is so obvious, but sometimes we just don't see the forest for the trees.

We are so bombarded with visions of sugar plums and platters of spaghetti and sandwich shops and fast food that we do not even recognize that we are no longer eating natural food. We don't even notice that something is wrong. Natural food grows in a garden. Natural food, that God created, does not have unpronounceable ingredients listed on the side. It does not come from a box, or a sealed package found on a shelf with other identical sealed packages, or a tin can. We have been blinded by advertising, convenience, our personal history, and our own stupor. We just don't stop and think about what has slowly crept up on us. The vast majority of the food we have been eating is not natural. It is, by default, not healthy, not good for human consumption and is what is causing our epidemic sized health problems.

Our own habits were created in the not too distant past by the misguided good intentions and the misinformation of other people who have been stumbling around in the dark, and sharing their bits and pieces of unrelated information with us. We are blinded by red herrings (bits of misleading and odd information) and our own habits. I am avoiding using the word "lazy" because when it comes to food we are not lazy. We get up and go where it is. We pay for the best we can afford. We have just forgotten that natural growing living beings, like us, need to be fed natural growing living food.

Don't worry. There is natural living food out there and you can actually eat it!!  It is what we were created to consume. Did you ever wonder why Adam and Eve lived in a GARDEN? That's where the food was! They got in trouble and left the garden behind but they planted another one. We got into trouble, too, when we left the garden behind, we just didn't plant another one, we changed what we eat. Fortunately we have two feet and can pivot on one of them whenever we want to. If we pivot left (or right, depending on the layout of your grocery store) and head for the produce section we will be getting as close to a garden as most of us get in a life time. If you are like me, and don't own a plot of ground to plant a garden we can still find good organic fresh living foods to feed our bodies properly. We only have to look for them and then choose to eat them.

If you have a plot of ground and a garden, WAHOO! You can grow your own living food. If you have a green thumb, you are blessed beyond measure! And your good health will show it.

Other than that, we depend on the grocery store and need to wise up about what to choose to put in our mouths to inject into our blood streams.

I heard a lady (Donna Gates ) say today that for good health our plates of food should be eighty percent fresh raw vegetables and the other twenty percent can be some bit of protein. It really is simple and the only instructions we need. If you started doing that, you would, in a very short time, see real improvements in your health.

The next problem will again be our ingrained habits. We think that every meal should be a feast and we love what we call variety. When I first started eating Mexican food in the seventies at a fast food restaurant I was always amused by the fact that every item they offered was the exact same ingredients, just molded into a different shape and given a different name and even a different price. Is that what the "variety" in your life looks like? The same food, just molded into a different shapes by cooking, or a distant manufacturer whose name we know, but whose face we have never seen? How natural is that? How healthy could it be? Do we even know what "variety" means when it comes to food?

Your diabetic health is, literally, in your own hands. What you choose to pick up and eat, is entirely up to you. It has taken me a very long time to even begin to actually see that as truth in my own life. I got started with the "30 Day Diabetes Cure" by Dr Ripich and Jim Healthy, which I recommend with the reservation that when you get to the point where they add the grains and the fruit back in, don't do it. Continue reading the book and following the advice in the first ten day section, for as long as you need day by day hand holding, but skip the grains and skip the fruit. They will only activate the addiction.

At that time, start reading "The No Grain Diet" by Dr Mercola and focus on fresh raw organic vegetables. Second best is fresh raw vegetables that are not organic. Start looking around on the internet. Do a search for "raw foods." See what you find. You may also want to read "Going Against the Grain" by Melissa Diane Smith. Be careful, and make the vegetables your friendly alternative food, with only a little meat or protein as you feel the need. If you make the fresh raw vegetables the main course, you will begin to see real improvements in your blood sugar numbers and in your health. And it will happen very fast. It did for me.

Do your own "laboratory" tests. Check your own blood sugars after you eat particular foods and see what actually happens to your blood sugars, with your own eyes. You will soon know what you can eat to lower your blood sugars and lose weight -- and also what you need to avoid. Just leave the rest of the manufactured foods behind. It is actually imitation food. It ain't natural and you won't grow or improve your health on it. Don't leave your doctor out, because you will need his or her help to reduce any medications you might be taking. It pays to be wise. But if you are not on medication you have no need to fear. You can take it step by step if you need to slowly increase the vegetables and drop out the carbs. Or you can plunge into the vegetables in the produce section and never look back. Whatever works for you. I think "slow and steady" is probably the easier way to go -- but you do need to drop out sugar of any kind immediately. Just follow the instructions for the first ten days of the "30 Day Diabetes Cure" book and then stay there. It will give you the impetus to start by dropping out the sugars. Then, when you get there, transition to the raw vegetables and don't add back the grains or fruit.

(Starchy carbs to avoid: anything made with refined flour of any kind, sugar of all kinds, including artificial sugars except xylitol or Stevia -- white potatoes, rice, pasta, noodles, bread, cake, candy, cookies -- you know what they are. No grains, no fruit, no fruit juice, or sugary or diet drinks.)

(Things to add to your diet in any amount at any time you are hungry: any and all fresh uncooked green leafy vegetables, all fresh uncooked growing living red, yellow, or green vegetables [like broccoli, radishes, cucumber, and red peppers, etc.], raw nuts, raw seeds of any kind. )

(What to drink: water, unsweetened tea, unsweetened coffee, sparkling unsweetened water if you like it. Do not drink soda or diet drinks -- the fake sugars are even worse than white table sugar for your health.)

 (Proteins in moderate amounts whenever you want them: any meat, fish, poultry, eggs that you are familiar with eating. Avoid cheese, except for feta or cottage cheese -- but only after you test your blood sugars for them.)

Note: if any food makes you act like a carbohydrate addict (see above) -- stop eating or drinking it -- you very likely can live without it. I had to give up most cheeses because of my addictive behaviors. If cheese does not affect you that way, then eating cheese or eating dairy is OK for you. You get to decide by observing your own blood test results and your own behaviors after eating them.

Note: I am not a doctor. I don't have a college degree, and am not a health or food expert. I only know what I have personally been through and what has worked for me through much trial and error. I added the list of foods to eat or to avoid for anyone who feels they need that much clarification. You be the judge of what you eat. This is not a new diet full of menus for you to try for a short time. If you are not thinking that you need to make this change for good, that decision and the consequences are strictly up to you.)

I'm done with starchy carbs. I am happy with lots and lots of raw vegetables and raw nuts and seeds. They are satisfying to my body and me. I did not know that was possible before. Now I know.  I do eat some hard boiled eggs with my salads. Sometimes I have tuna. You can add any healthy protein you like. And you can have a big bowl of salad whenever you want one! You can be free of guilt about how often or how much you eat. When you start eating fresh raw foods, your appetite will find its own healthy place. I did not know that before either. Now I know because I've been there and I have done that!!

Where are you with your addiction?

Be back soon, love you,


Monday, December 6, 2010

One Done, But Don't Keep Score


I got through the spaghetti dinner and did not indulge!! Praise the Lord. I actually helped with the cooking, too. The Lord gave me the strength to not even be tempted. Later, as I sat and conversed with friends who were eating spaghetti and all the trimmings, I had almost no desire to eat the food that I knew would cause a bad reaction in my body. I did get hungry but the Lord gave me no way to eat any of that food. I went home and ate a proper meal of good green salad and then later, some tuna salad.

I am again reminded of the scripture "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." from Php 4:13.

I know that this was only one battle but I am fully prepared to turn to the Lord at the first sign of the addiction creeping back in -- by the pictures in my mind. I know I must watch and pray lest I enter into temptation.  And keeping score of that would serve no purpose. Watching and praying -- now that serves a purpose.

By the way, I have now lost 19 pounds. Praise the Lord! Nothing motivates like success!

I don't know exactly what it is like for you, but for me, diabetes and obesity is the result of addiction to processed foods and refined carbohydrates (like things made with white flour and sugar), and starchy vegetables. I even believe that cheese, other than feta cheese, and possibly cottage cheese once in a while, must remain off of my menu, too, because of my addictive behaviors associated with eating them. No grains of any kind because it is the sensitivity to carbs (and there are a lot of carbs in any grain product) that causes my body to be insulin resistant which converts the foods that I was eating into the fat on my belly and the hidden problems that were not visible without blood tests. And now I know for sure that fruit is not on my menu, at this time, either. Not until my uric acid levels come down to normal and fruit no longer makes a blood sugar spike. That may be never -- but I don't care -- I just want to be in the best health I can be and if not eating fruit heads me in the right direction, so be it.

I think that if someone would have told me a year ago, what I would be eating in December of 2010, I would have wondered about their sanity. But here I am. Working my way through the things I have to work through in order to get my body healthy and to lose weight. Here I am, no longer worried about what I should not eat but focusing on the many foods I can eat. A whole different arena has opened up for me. I used to bypass the vegetables and wonder about it. Now, that is where I head first and I happily fill up my cart. Praise the Lord! I am not 100% raw, and am not worried about that, either. My doctor says anywhere from 50 to 80 percent will improve health. Some days are 100%. Some days are less and I'm not keeping score on that either as long as the majority is fresh raw vegetables, I am good to go.

I notice also that I have a desire to help others in this same position, but I also know, from experience, that if they don't see the light -- they won't follow the path. It almost does not matter what information you share, they get the concept, but there is no decision on their part to make the change. The biggest obstacle is that they completely believe they are incapable of changing their diet in any significant way to reach significant results. Been there. Done that. Repeated failure and a bruised mind leads to belief in impossibility. It does not have to remain that way.

There is one lovely diabetic and obese friend whom I have conversed with many times concerning this problem. I had another conversation with her yesterday at the spaghetti dinner. I wish she would at least try something. I understand the position she is in. She has tried many times in the past, just like I did, and failed miserably. The real problem I had was trying "diets" that others worked out for themselves and not delving into what really works for me. Some people are successful at following someone else's plan, and I say, go for it. If it works don't fix it. But my body did not respond in the predicted ways and I had no idea why or what to do about it.

It is so hard to try and try and not be successful -- even though, in the end, it is not the person who is a failure, but the "experts" and their diets that have failed them. Soon the lament becomes, "I've tried and failed, I am not able -- there is something wrong with me and I can't fix it." I know just how daunting the repeated experience of failure can be.

Trying to face a diet regimen even one more time is beyond comprehension when you are in that space. The idea of not even the remotest possibility of being successful becomes a self defeating nightmare, or at best a very painful joke from the universe. The very idea that you could be successful begins to be so far beyond comprehension that it stops being a consideration. My gosh, even describing it here is depressing. We end up thinking we are broken, when in reality, it was the expert information we were following that was broken and dooming us to failure.  If you are following the wrong map, you will not end up where you thought you were going.

We did not fail, the diets failed us. To be successful you must look in another arena. We have to wipe the standard American diet right off the board, and begin to add in only what God created -- in the state that He created it: unprocessed, whole foods. (Eating raw foods can be done in small steps, too, and what percentage of raw food you end up with is up to you and what works for you.) There are plenty of good wholesome foods, too. I think there are so many different kinds of greens available that you could try one every day for two weeks and not eat the same one twice. It is certainly not boring and I am amazed at how absolutely satisfying His food is. It sits on the tummy nicely, too.

I don't recall what it was that got me to try again, except that I had seriously begun to pray that God would deliver me from obesity. I knew I could not do it, but continued to pray trusting that He could do what I could not. I had seen that others had accomplished what I only dreamed of, so it had to be possible for me too. I continued to turn to the Lord and ask to be delivered from obesity. God heard my prayers and the process began.

My Pastor was teaching out of the book of Nehemiah this morning and the sermon was about standing on the wall, continuing to work to build the wall and the gates of Jerusalem, no matter what the temptations to come down from the wall, were. No matter what manipulation that Sanbalatt came up with, Nehemiah simply refused to go down to the Valley of Ono to talk, when his mission was to rebuild the walls. That is what standing fast in faith looks like.

Nehemiah on the wall is about the stand that was required and the process that it took. God did not miraculously build the walls before their eyes. They had to build the wall brick by brick in obedience and faith. Similarly, each meal either builds health or tears it down. If what you are eating is not healthy, it is then, unhealthy, by default, and that is pretty much all there is to it. The Lord told me what to eat for years, but I did not put it into real practice. I had many beliefs, misconceptions, and downright lusts to get through, over, or around before the results began to come. The process still goes on for me. I have many  more pounds to lose but if I were to focus only on that, I know me, I would get discouraged by the volume. So I don't focus on the amount. I focus on taking the stand, and supporting the process. That is actually an adventure.

I have to focus on what I put in my mouth with my hands, right now, and make sure it fits the criteria that I now know I need it to fit so I reach the goal. My goal is health, not losing weight, even though I do get excited when I discover I have lost weight. If I had focused only on the weight from the beginning, I am afraid I would have given up because the weight was actually the last thing to fall into place for me.  First my blood sugars improved and my blood pressure lowered, but the weight was not affected except minimally from June through the middle of October. This current round that is including the loss of weight did not turn the corner until I completely dropped out grains on October 20th. Then I began to see results in the weight loss department, too.

This current meal is the most important one. If it is healthy I will be helping to continue to heal my body. If it is unhealthy I will be continuing to put up roadblocks to my own success.  Diabetes is the hand and mouth disease. What I pick up with my hand and put in my mouth will affect my health. And sometimes the reactions are immediate like blood sugar numbers, and sometimes they are so slow they are not noticeable for years like cancer or hardening of the arteries. Each and every meal counts. Each and every snack counts. I think my previous downfall came because I thought they did not matter. I was wrong. Each mouthful matters.

And now the Lord has given me another piece of the puzzle: how to deal with temptation. Temptation is actually a spiritual matter that unfolds in the mind, and ends up affecting the body.

"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Mark 14:38

Thank you, dear Lord, for delivering me from obesity. I am on my way, and I am grateful.

Be back soon


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Victory in Jesus


For all my good intentions I had another binge recently. Not a big long lasting one, but a significant one. A couple of days ago, I was with a friend who offered me two of those small peppermint patties and I grabbed them up and ate one immediately. They looked pretty small so, "What's the big deal" was my false and rebellious attitude. I practically inhaled the first one and oddly set the second one aside. Later in the day I ate the second one.

Later the same day I was dreaming about a bag of bridge mix. I fought with myself about the candy as I drove towards Walgreens where I usually buy it. I stopped at CVS instead, thinking they will not have what I am thinking about. I was also suffering from acid indigestion from the second peppermint pattie so I told me it was OK to go in and buy something for that -- knowing that I was going to look at the candy.

I know you know what I am talking about. It is like when you bake a chocolate cake for someone else, because you want cake. Then you eat the whole cake and bake another one for the someone else, who did not ask for a cake in the first place. You know.

I wandered up and down the candy aisles trying to find the least harmful one. Suddenly I focused on a small bag of licorice gummy bears and chose those. I did not read the package, I did not want to know the facts. I took it home and ate the entire six or eight ounces of candy that same evening. Even though I was completely satisfied with the first two, I ate the rest of them like there was no tomorrow.

Later that night, as I slept, I had bad dreams. I dreamed that as I was eating different foods that my body was literally reacting like I was aroused. Each food that I ate caused a different kind of arousal. Then I woke up with the worst leg cramps I have ever had. Not just one muscle in the lower calf but every muscle in the lower calf of both legs was tightening up and cramping and very painful. I got up and waddled to the kitchen because the cramps were in my feet, too, and took a dose of powdered magnesium that I mixed in a cup of water, along with two calcium caps and a zinc cap. I knew it would take about 20 minutes to work so I slowly walked around as I waited, drinking another cup of water and letting the leg cramps relax back to normal. They were stunning in their intensity. I have never had them that bad before, never in so many muscles at once.

Those two things happening in one night, the dream and the cramps, were a very powerful wake up call for me. I finally admitted that the food cravings I experience are exactly the same as the sexual cravings I used to experience. That was the message of the dream. The Lord delivered me from the one, and He will deliver me from the other, if I but turn to Him in faith, for help.

You must know that this is hard for me to admit on a public forum like this. I feel lead to do it in case someone else suffers from the same two addictions. The one is conquered, and I turn away from any kind of reminders including TV shows or commercials and I pray when necessary. But I had not put the food cravings to the same discipline. I have now taken them to the Lord, also. I'm aware that I need to do that for each one until I form the habit and I trust the Lord will give me the strength.

He has been teaching me the correct food principles which I have been sharing, and I have been putting them into practice -- but every once in a while, I have fallen. Quite often, actually. The Lord actually told me a long time ago that the two addictions were the same, but I did not comprehend what to do about it. But, once He gave me the dream where the food caused my body to react, it was like my brain finally got it. The cramping was major. The dream was shocking, but it allowed me to put the two together and to know what I must do.

It is as morally wrong for me to eat food that I fully believe is not fit for human consumption as it would be to sleep with someone I am not married to. I'm not sure I can justify that one to someone else. I just know that they are both "the lust of the flesh." I finally get it and when I now get those feelings and pictures that I call a craving for something, I can be victorious over it through prayer and the help of Jesus Christ. I cannot afford to indulge those pictures and feelings anymore. I must turn my back on them, but I cannot do it alone.

I know you must be wondering about this. I know, if you have followed my blog, that you must have wondered in the past why I do these things -- why I have fallen so many times. I've asked myself "why" many times. Even though I am still new with the victorious position, I want to explain the other position. The one I lived under for so many years. It was the position of the victim. I had no power over the cravings. AA calls it being powerless over my addiction. My cravings were so strong that if I did attempt to ignor them, they simply came back full strength in a little while and the losing battle began again. I slowly learned to give up earlier because it seemed there was no use. If I once got one of those "instructions" to eat a forbidden food, I had to eat it. I was compelled to eat it. I had no hope. I was the victim of my own desires and did not know the way of escape.

I got a craving for pizza tonight, and as soon as I recognized it I turned to the Lord for help. This time, I knew. This time I had faith that He would help me. He did. This time it was not the desperate call for help as I slipped down the inevitable slippery slide. This time I knew it could be stopped with the help of the Lord. I clung to Him, instead of the pictures. The craving was immediately changed into a desire for something fresh and raw and green. I ate a fresh raw cucumber and never thought about pizza again, until I started to write this. That was and is amazing to me. Thank you, Lord!

I then thought about tomorrow when I am helping at a spaghetti dinner fund raiser. Ordinarily I would simply plan on eating some. I am very tempted to, even right now. But that food is not good for me and it will only cause me problems if I indulge. I am putting my faith in God. As Paul said: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." With Him, I am no longer powerless over my own cravings. But only with Him. It does not work if I try to do it on my own. I must turn to Him for help, but it must be done in faith, knowing that He will help me. I know. He will. God is good.

Christianity is practical. Jesus does make a difference in your life.

Be back soon,


Friday, November 26, 2010

Uric Acid Levels Indicate Fructose Sensitivity


Dr Mercola has again caught my attention and helped me make a better decision about my health. I know from my most recent blood tests that I have a high uric acid level (8.6 if I remember correctly) -- this is actually very high from what I am reading in his article.

This excerpt from his post about uric acid will explain more clearly than I could, the connection between diabetes, fructose, and uric acid levels:

    "Going back to the issue of genetic variability, it seems that some people may be able to process fructose more efficiently, and the key to assess this susceptibility to fructose damage lies in evaluating your uric acid levels.

    "Dr. Johnson (Richard Johnson, MD, who is the chief of the division of kidney disease and hypertension at the University of Colorado.) agrees that using uric acid levels as a marker to identify your susceptibility could be a reasonable approach.

    "So, for example, if you’re passionate about fruit and typically eat large amounts of fruit, but have a uric acid level above 5 (or better yet, 4 if you’re a man, and 3.5 if you’re a woman), then you may want to consider lowering your fruit consumption until you’re able to optimize your uric acid levels.

        “We have some evidence from our laboratory that uric acid actually regulates the sensitivity to fructose,” Johnson says. “So the higher your uric acid, the more sensitive you are to the effects of fructose.

        … So I agree with you. If you measure your serum uric acid and it’s very significantly high, you probably will get into more trouble with fruit juices and large amounts of fruit than other individuals would.

        That seems to be the take home message from our current research.”

( Here is the link to the whole article in case you want to read it -- you will have to sign up with your e-mail address to be able to read it:  )

So there I have it: I do actually need to stay away from fruit. I have no idea whether this will be for a limited time or forever. I do know that my uric acid levels have always been high (along with my father and both of my living brothers), but I did not know what caused this phenomenon. My present doctor saw the blood report but said nothing about the uric acid levels or what causes them. Myself, being ignorant of the significance, simply filed the numbers away in my brain again with no inkling that I could affect these numbers simply by completely avoiding fruit and anything else with fructose.

As I wondered if there are other things that I should avoid,  I found this at "Honey, tree fruits, berries, melons, and some root vegetables contain significant amounts of molecular fructose, usually in combination with glucose, stored in the form of sucrose" ( )

If you take a look at Dr Mercola's article you will find a chart of lots of different fruits and the fructose levels they contain. He says that limes have 0 grams of fructose, and that dried figs have 23 grams of fructose. Limes, lemons, cranberries and passion fruit all register below "1" and top the list for low fructose fruit.

Grapes, mangoes, dried apricots and dried figs are at the other end of the spectrum with 1C of grapes having 12.4 grams of fructose, 1/2 a mango has 16.2 (so a whole one has more than 32!) 1C of dried apricots has 16.4 (but who could eat a cup of dried apricots?) and a cup of dried figs containing 23 grams (again, who could eat that many?)

I wish the fruits on the chart had all been 1/4C servings so I could get a more accurate picture in my head of what is going on. But, I guess that is really a moot point, when the message is that I should stick with the "avoid fruit" idea until those uric acid levels come down.

Since, for the most part, I have been staying away from fruits, I think my uric acid levels should be better at my next test (even though I did recently consume perhaps six apples in about five days. By the way a medium apple contains 9.5 grams of fructose). I guess that means no more apples for me, and no grapefruit (1/2 medium has 4.3) either, even though  my doctor has recommended them to me. Oddly enough, I was right to be a little afraid to eat them. Just goes to show you that you have to pay attention to your own health needs if you want to make real and significant changes in your health.The Lord and I are the ones in charge of my own health -- He for the creation and maintenance -- me for the obedience to the physical laws he created.

I thought it was slightly interesting that a fresh raw apricot of medium size has 1.3 grams of fructose, but dried apricots in a 1C portion had 16.4 grams of fructose. I don't know whether the increase in fructose is due to the fact that dried apricots are smaller and there are more of them in the cup, or if the amount of fructose actually increases during the drying process. It appears to me that simply having more in the cup is what is raising the number. I have no evidence for my belief that drying or even cooking fruits makes them have more sweetness and be even worse for the diabetic than fresh raw whole fruit. I am not even going to talk about fruit juice because without the fiber that is just a sugar bomb to the blood stream and, in my opinion, no diabetic or prediabetic should be drinking fruit juice of any kind.

Both Drs Mercola and Johnson call this finding "fructose toxicity" -- meaning that fructose is actually toxic to the body, especially when consumed in large quantities such as from HFCS found in such things as sodas. It appears that the more soda a person drinks the closer to toxic they become.

The conclusion they appear to be drawing is that fructose is actually the cause of the diabetes epidemic. And they bring up another amazing and odd phenomenon. They are also saying that once you have diabetes, there is something called the "polyol pathway" wherein, the body, after it has become insulin resistant, begins to make fructose from other sources of food as well! The final statement? The polyol pathway phenomenon is quite remarkable and is also a very strong testament to the need to severely limit your fructose intake if you are a diabetic or even a prediabetic.

Near the end of his article he puts in a bad word for agave too. No matter what the manufacturer says on their label, agave syrup has been tested by an independent laboratory at Dr Mercola's request and can contain as much as from 59 to 67 percent fructose. Honey is 70 percent on average. Both agave and honey should be avoided by diabetics, especially those with high levels of uric acid.

Well. Now I know. And so do you. Take action to improve your own health. Increase the amount of fresh raw leafy greens and vegetables that you consume. Eliminate all forms of sugar. I am leaning towards allowing Xylitol for lack of any evidence that it is harmful and much evidence that it actually helps to eliminate harmful bacteria from your body. Don't eat processed or overly cooked foods. (I actually recommend no cooking of food, but that may seem like an insurmountable chasm to some folks -- if you can do it, great. If you cannot, then start out by taking small steps in that direction by first including and increasing fresh raw foods which you consume before you eat anything cooked. The idea being that your tummy may get full faster and you will naturally and gradually begin to eliminate the eating of cooked and processed foods. 

If you eat your food the way God created it you will be eating your way to improved health. The more your foods contain sugars and are cooked or processed you are eating your way towards chronic disease and pain.

Please, take baby steps in the healthy direction and it will become easier to toddle on to better health later.

So I am back on the "no fruit" plan and want to see if my uric acid numbers go down as a result.

Be back soon


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks


Been thinking about Thanksgiving. Been thinking of how my health has improved since I began eating the raw food program diet and giving thanks to God for this.

I am seeing subtle and surprising changes in my body since I have been eating so many more greens and raw vegetables. I am still in the process of testing things, too. I have been eating one or two apples per day and seeing good results. I have had to rethink the "no fruit" idea. I am not about to go overboard, but an apple a day, or some grapefruit, as my doctor has suggested does not seem to be going overboard. Then, of course, I think about the fact that I have not been testing my blood sugars after eating the fruit, so I think I should begin doing that.

The changes I am seeing in my body started with my skin becoming soft and supple, instead of dry and rough. I think that was one of the first changes I noticed. It happened within about three days of stopping the sugar intake. I have now also noticed the disappearance of a few "lumps" that I had before.

I have this large pad of fatty tissue at the base of my neck in the back, kind of at the top of my shoulders and it has for the past few years contained some rather large "lumps" that you can only notice by feel. When I asked my doctor about them, she said they were "fatty deposits" and that I need not be alarmed about them. They seem to be completely gone, now. I had had another one on the front of my left shoulder ever since the 70's and it, too, is now almost completely gone. I can just barely find it.

I used to have a couple of small ball shaped "knots" on the ligaments at the base of my fingers on my left hand. One of them is gone, the other one is much smaller than it previously was -- it is almost imperceptible. They were just under the size of a pea and now I have a hard time finding the one that remains.

As long as I continue to take my diuretic, my ankles very rarely swell up. I have tried to cut down on that medication, but the swelling comes back, so still have to continue taking it. But, and I believe this is a large one, I used to have swollen ankles all the time, even while taking the diuretic. Now I do not. Now, my ankles are normal sized for the most part, most of the time.

I used to be aware of the carbohydrate addiction by how it made me "act" -- and it has been a struggle, but I am learning to be more keenly aware of the symptoms when they show up. I tested out eating some cheese again and the results and symptoms were not good. I can still eat the Feta cheese which must be different in some way from the other cheeses because Feta adds good flavor and processes through my body without any side effects that I can see. But that is not the case if I eat American cheese (even though I do not buy the "cheese food" kind). And string cheese is only slightly better.

What I have become aware of is that I tend to binge on cheese, too, if it is in the house, just like I used to binge on grain in the form of bread. I was amazed when I recognized that if I got hungry I went for the cheese first. (A huge clue.) As I ate it, I noticed that the more I ate it, the more I wanted. (A second huge clue.) I soon recognized the sitting and eating with a package of American cheese in my hand as I watched TV while I ate slice after slice. I finally recognized that "eating and eating" without a quenching of the hunger was reminiscent of the eating machine. I just went right on compulsively eating until the package was gone. (And that was the third huge clue.) Any one of these are symptoms of my addiction, so I am not going to purchase that any more. I don't know what it has in it that causes this, and have also noticed it simply has too much salt which oddly enough, I didn't notice as I ate it, but noticed right after, that my mouth was salty. The thing is, I was amazed that American cheese would set off the addiction, again. But I am very glad I recognized it and know what to do about it. After all, that is the main point: Knowing what to do about it, and then doing it.

Dr Mercola says that we need to let go of the grains and also of pasteurized dairy. Taken from one of Dr Mercola's posts:

"As Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation stated: 'Pasteurization (of milk) destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.' ”

Here is the URL to his article if you would like to copy and paste and read it:

Another side effect of having eaten the cheese was that I had a lot more "stuff" in my throat that I had to keep clearing out and coughing up. I know that is gross, but I prefer to make note of the bad with the good. So I need to remember about the dairy and the post nasal drip issues.

I also noticed that the pain in the body seems to be worse again, after eating the cheese. I really had no idea that both of those things (grain and dairy) were causing me problems. I recognized the carb stuff, but I had not recognized the dairy problems before. That recognition came from isolating the problem.

I had already eliminated the starchy carbs (in the form of sprouted whole grain bread) and was only eating large amounts of green leafy vegetables, avocado, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, etc. I was eating more raw nuts and seeds, too. When I wanted something "heavier" in my tummy, I gravitated to the nuts and seeds (sunflower seeds, almonds, and walnuts) which I would put in a small bowl, sprinkle with salt, garlic powder, curry powder, and olive oil -- almost like a dressing. My weight loss seemed to speed up while I was in that phase. But then I tried out cheese again and all the addiction symptoms came back like a train wreck. So. Now I know.

So, even though this may seem like much ado about nothing, I am grateful that the Lord has opened my eyes to these things. I am grateful that He lead me in the direction of the raw food program and that I am seeing such good results with it. I pray that I may have enough sense to continue doing it.

I am grateful for my church, and for my family and friends. I am looking forward to being with friends tomorrow and possibly hearing from family, too.

By the way, my friends specifically requested that I make my sausage dressing so I have purchased the ingredients and will make it just before I go to their house. I may partake of a serving or two, but I think this will be the last time I make it -- at least for this year.

I thank God for saving my soul and guiding me to learn and incorporate more healthy things into my life. I am grateful for a roof over my head, plenty of food to eat, and a warm bed to sleep in. Not everyone has that. I thank God for everything. May you be blessed this day to have a thousand things for which to thank God and may you feel the joy of His presence in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Be back soon

Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday Health Support


I just got an e-mail from a group of women who support each other in following the raw food life style. They were offering to e-mail a different smoothie recipe each day for the 24 days before Christmas (I assume) as a way to help support one another in getting through the holidays unscathed. They are charging $24 for the service. (If you are interested in maintaining your weight loss during the holiday you may be interested in trying it out. Here is the URL: )

I am not willing to cough up the moola, but I think it is a great idea to have a plan to help get you through the holidays.

I have been considering what I shall do about Thanksgiving. I had three different invitations from friends, and have chosen one in particular and may visit one of the others afterward. But the thing that concerns me is that I have now found out that after eating good healthy raw vegetables for quite a while now, my body no longer tolerates a lot of cooked food. I have on occasion eaten some cooked food but I am no longer satisfied with the results that I can now distinguish in my body. Cooked food just sort of "sits" in my stomach so I am becoming reluctant to eat it. The day after eating cooked food I find that my sinuses start to drip again, my feet swell up again, and I really do just feel "out of sorts" the next day.

I had originally thought that I could go off the program for one day but what popped into my head was recalling last year when I went off the deep end three times at Thanksgiving, alone and started the eating machine that lasted for months. I can not do that anymore. I don't want to do that anymore. My body will not let me do that anymore. So maybe I should plan on taking a couple of raw dishes to add to the dinner and then only partaking of them, plus a little turkey.

I am thinking that maybe I should make a good salad and a fresh raw apple pie. I have not made a raw (unbaked) apple pie before but I have seen a video on YouTube about how to do it and think it should be pretty easy. In the video they used walnuts that had been blended to very small pieces and mixed them with a little raw apple that was also blended to applesauce texture. They mixed these two things together to make the crust which they pressed into a pie plate. Then they put in a layer of fresh raspberries, piled on the thinly sliced raw apples and some seasonings (cinnamon and nutmeg, I think) and topped it with more walnut bits. That is it. No baking needed. They cut it and tried it at that point. It truly is an uncooked raw apple pie.

I was beginning to balk at the raspberries because of the price, but I saw some in the store for about five dollars and if I only buy one box (1/2 pint), I should be able to afford it. I am sure it really added to the flavor of the apple pie even though I don't really care so much for raspberries. Maybe blue berries would suit my tastes better. I will have to consider it.

Perhaps I should make and take the raw stuffing that I saw Ann Marie Gianni make instead of the pie. It would be a little less costly than the pie, but appetizing and appealing none the less. Here is the link if you'd like to see it: (  )  -- there is an odd blank spot in the middle where everything goes black, but it soon continues. This recipe seems very promising to me.

The next thing to consider is how to respond to offers of sweets and other pornographic food. You know they are called "goodies" but they are really "badies." The only proper response is "No, thank you." You may have to repeat yourself many times, too, because well meaning loved ones don't like to take "No, thank you" as a response to what they have lovingly but misguidedly prepared. You will have to be prepared to disappoint someone. I am thinking that since I have always been tempted by them, I may be tempted again, but I cannot afford to indulge in them. "No thank you" must be my consistent response. What if they ask "Why?"  That is a perfect opportunity to share what you are doing and why, but that could take up the rest of the conversation for the afternoon. If you need to keep it simple, then "Health Issues" is usually a response they will respect and not continue to press you with.

I remember what Dr. Mercola said about each meal affecting your body. A good meal affecting it in good ways and a bad meal affecting it in bad ways. Just because the holidays are coming is really no good reason to start eating dirt. I said "dirt" to shock the mind. We don't eat dirt and never have, but what if you have finally come to know that the food you grew up eating and loved to eat because of addiction is not really better for human consumption than eating dirt? Those "goodies" are made from ingredients that have been striped of any nutrition they may have originally had, then blended with artificial ingredients to make them look good for a l-o-n-g time on the shelf. Even if they are home made they have been baked, boiled and fried in order to change the consistency which makes them more like imitation food or a science project, than what the Good Lord has created for us and given to us to eat raw and naturally.

I know how I am and I might just happen to forget all this when faced with temptation. So I shall begin to pray about that now. In the Bible it says to "watch and pray" lest you enter into "temptation." I am going to include all the verses I found on this:

Mt 26:41  Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Mr 13:33  Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.

Mr 14:38  Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.

Lu 21:36  Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Not only prayer is needed but watchfulness. You have to stay on the alert and remain on guard, especially in the area of your addiction. The Lord will help me get thought this, and He will help you, too, if you ask Him too. Then continue to pray and continue to watch and be on guard during the entire holiday season.

My Holiday Health Support is Jesus and following His instructions. There is not anything or anyone who is able to help me more than Jesus is able to. He has said that "watchfulness and prayer" is my part.

1Pe 1:2  Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

According to Peter in the above verse, obedience comes from the Holy Spirit, so if I watch and pray and let His Spirit work in me, in my heart, I shall overcome through obedience to what I know to be the truth.

May you be blessed to remain actively engaged in supporting your own health during the Holiday Season. Jesus is the reason for the season. Let us not turn this season into a reason to disobey Him.

Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation, for the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

It is the watching and the praying that helps a weak flesh to overcome the jolly folly of the world.

What are your plans for the holiday season? Are you planning to obey or disobey what you know is right for your body and your soul? What about your family? What are you planning to feed them?

As concerns my health: I am planning on taking fresh raw food I can eat to gatherings. I am planning on saying "No, thank you" to the temptations of pornographic food. I am planning on being on guard and praying to stay on track for every meal and get me through victorious. I am trusting the Holy Spirit to bring to my remembrance the reasons I need to stay on track, too.

Lord, please help me to remain faithful, even during times when I know beforehand that I have failed before. Please help me to not fail again. Did you know that a synonym for the word "fail" is "quit."  Don't quit doing what is right. Trust in the Lord and you will come out victorious on the other side.

Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied through trusting in Jesus Christ,

God bless you and your endeavors,

Be back soon,
