Saturday, November 6, 2010

Amazed at: "Going Against the Grain"


Wow!! I really am amazed at what I am learning from the book "Going Against the Grain" by Melissa Diane Smith. She is very detailed, which I like, but she is not so overly technical as to make the read boring. There is plenty to learn about grains that I had no idea about before.

I think the thing that is so amazing is how she plainly points out the many ways that grains are simply not good for human consumption. If you consume products made with refined grains, nearly all the vitamins and minerals are stripped away and all you are eating is what turns to sugar in the blood. If you consume whole grain products, you get the good stuff, but you also get some pretty awful bad stuff right along with it, plus the sugar in the blood. 

I suggest that you copy and paste the URL below into your browser and check out the book at

Look at the table of contents, and then read a portion of the first chapter and I believe that you will be hooked because she covers so many important and very interesting topics concerning grain, and how to improve your diet towards healing your body. This is not only for diabetics, but for those who may have Rheumatoid arthritis, or Celiac disease, or Crohn's disease, and any other autoimmune disease or problems. Grains are likely to be the culprit behind the problems, according to Ms. Smith, yet we continue eating them because we really don't know any better. How much easier to heal yourself by making simple changes in your diet, than to go on maintaining the disease with medications -- which are both expensive and always have terrible side effects. I am for getting rid of side effects whenever possible.

Not only does she relate the scientific details in a manner that the lay person can easily grasp, she also shares healing stories about individual clients that she had helped onto the road to recovery. Ms. Smith is a nutritionist who first stumbled onto the problem with grains in her own life. When she cured herself by simply cutting out grains, her health and weight improved drastically. She became a nutritionist and discovered that many other people were suffering the way she had, so she advised them to reduce or eliminate grains from their diet and they too improved. After much research she has written this very readable and highly informative book. I think everyone should read it. It is important to improving the health of human beings everywhere.

When you go to the web site above, be sure to read the comments from other readers. I read the first three or four and heartily agree with them. You will be impressed by the personal experiences of improved health and also the credentials of the people writing them. They speak of healing Celiac disease, chronic head aches, and making blood sugar improvements.

When I read the many endorsements in the front of the book, I especially liked this one by Ron Hunninghake, M.D., medical director, the Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning:

"Based on solid science, 'Going Against the Grain' invites the reader to conduct an experiment in the laboratory of his own body, possibly to uncover a hidden key to otherwise unexplained symptoms and illness. I really like this book."

I really like this book, too. I am considering if I can afford to sent a copy to my two brothers and my sister for Christmas, perhaps along with a few cups of chia seeds, with information about what they are good for, and how to use them.

Eliminating what I had believed was the best form of bread (sprouted whole grain) from my diet -- the one and only grain food I was eating on a daily basis -- has lowered my daily blood glucose numbers a great deal. I am also noticing a reduction in the amount of pain I am dealing with, and that is really good, in my mind. I still have pain in my low back, but it is better than it was even a few days ago (after I had eaten three tacos and one burrito -- all of which have refined grains). My physcial reaction to the tacos/burrito the next day, sure made me stop and think. I'd rather avoid the unpleasant swelling of the sinuses and the feeling like crap all over my body, than eat tacos or burritos ever again. I might miss the taste, but I sure don't miss the swelling and pain.

Get the book. Read it. Test the advice in the laboratory of your own body and see what you see. If you are interested in losing weight, lowering your blood sugar levels, or healing your intestines and getting rid of chronic headaches you might try it out, just to see if it works. Many of these may clear up in only a few days. Rheumatoid arthritis may take a little longer to test, but what if it works? That would surely not be a waste of your time. What have you got to lose but a lot of stuff you don't need?

From my own experience, eating lots of fresh raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, and small amounts of chicken, fish and eggs, as often as you need to, really satisfies the body. Day four will prove that to you in your own personal test. It often takes three days to get off the craving boat, but on the fourth day, it will suddenly all be down hill. The pain reduction often comes about on or near day six -- so if you commit to test it out for seven days, you should have enough good personal results to tell you if you are on the right track or not.

I am looking forward to better numbers at the doctor's office in December. For now, I am staying on track and going on with the reading of this hard to put down book: "Going Against the Grain" by Melissa Diane Smith.

Let me know if you get good results from trying it out. I'd like to hear about it -- as I think others would, too.

Be back soon,


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