Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dropping Grain, Improves Blood Sugar Readings

11-09-2010 -- 8:53 am -- 108
11-08-2010 -- 9:16 am -- 97
11-08-2010 -- 8:19 am -- 102
11-07-2010 -- 11:47 am -- 120
11-05-2010 -- 9:12 am -- 116
11-04-2010 -- 11:00 am -- 113
11-02-2010 -- 1:37 am -- 111
10-30-2010 -- 9:47 am -- 116
10-28-2010 -- 9:55 am -- 126
10-28-2010 -- 9:19 am -- 125
10-23-2010 -- 10:20 am -- 123
10-22-2010 -- 10:37 am -- 124
9-20-2010 -- 10:44 pm -- 139
9-20-2010 -- 11:48 am -- 131
9-20-2010 -- 10:22 am -- 147
9-20-2010 -- 9:03 am -- 152
9-20-2010 -- 12:08 am -- 143


I see a trend in the numbers above which are the blood glucose readings I copied from my meter. The bottom numbers with the date 9-20-2010 were all taken when I was worried about my blood sugars that day. They were pretty high for me, being a pre-diabetic. I was enjoying having sandwiches made with what I thought was low glycemic bread. I foolishly did not take any more readings in that month, because I did not want to own up to the fact that my eating Ezekial low-glycemic sprouted whole grain bread was causing a problem with my blood sugars and ultimately with my insulin levels. If you are addicted to something you don't want to give it up, even if you know it is not good for you.

The thing that shocked me out of that position was going to my doctor on 10-19-2010. My fasting blood sugar in the office that day at about 11:30 am was 147. I wanted to die of embarrassment. No way did I want my doctor to know I had been eating bread and ignoring my blood sugars, but the numbers don't lie. There I was: exposed. I tried to pass it off on having a slight temperature and a runny nose and some slight congestion I was experiencing so she gave me some antihistamine and antibiotics. I never admitted to her that I had eaten three sandwiches the day before and that was why my sugars were so high. Addiction will also make you lie, when you feel cornered. When I went home, I ate two more sandwiches.

On 10-20-2010 I prayed, repented, and came to my senses and got out the book "The No-Grain Diet" by Dr. Joseph Mercola and started to read. I had had the book on my shelf for a few years without reading it. When he fully made his point that grains were not good and I should not eat them, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately got up, tossed one full loaf and one partial loaf of sprouted whole grain bread into the trash and sat down and continued reading. That was the only grain I was eating.

The blood glucose numbers two days later, starting on 10-22-2010, are already starting to improve -- I did not check on the days before that. And just look at the top number which is for today 11-09-2010 -- 8:53 am -- 108. All of the am numbers are fasting blood sugars taken when I first got up, and they are beginning to be much closer to the normal range. Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord! When I eat His fresh raw vegetables and a little protein, I can see, for myself, that my body is healing. My weight is now at 342.75. Only a slight change, but I am hoping for more weight loss as I go.

I am also keeping my agreement with my cousin to exercise three times per week or pay her ten dollars for each time I miss. I have not missed any, so my exercise is on track, too.

The blood sugar improvements all happened when I completely stopped eating grain of any kind. I am totally amazed that I even had a 97! My body is doing its job perfectly and all I had to do was put the right kind of fuel into my mouth. What a blessing! There is the confirmation that there is nothing wrong with my body. The problem was the eating habits, it is just the symptoms that showed up in my body. There is the proof, in my mind, that diabetes is a hand and mouth disease. What you put in your mouth with your hand affects the health of your body. Just like the old saying says: "You are what you eat!"

I have been continuing to read the book "Going Against the Grain" by Melissa Diane Smith, a nutritionist, and being even more convinced that I need to simply stay away from all grains. I do not have a gluten sensitivity, but I certainly do have a carbohydrate sensitivity. I don't know if I have a wheat sensitivity. She talks about all three in her book. My doctor had tested my blood for a wheat allergy and did not find one. She also tested me for the gluten allergy, or Celiac disease, which I do not have. Ms Smith says that an allergy and a sensitivity are different degrees of the same thing, and a sensitivity may not show up on a test like the one I was given. I am not going to worry about that anyway. I can clearly see that I do have the carbohydrate sensitivity and since wheat has a boat load of carbs whether refined or whole or sprouted, I need to stay away from it.

I am, again, recommending the book "Going Against the Grain." If you have not yet checked it out on Amazon to sample what it is about for yourself, then here is the link again. Just copy and paste it into your browzer (sorry -- I don't know how to create an actual link in my blog.):


The problem of grains was brought home to me with Dr Mercola's book, "The No-Grain Diet." That may, in fact, be all you need to get started. But to keep yourself on track, which is what I am doing, get Ms Smith's book, too. The more you nurture and increase your knowledge, the easier it is to stick with the plan and remember not only how but why you are doing what you are doing. The reading, keeps me on track by feeding me a daily dose of the truth about grain. The blogging, gets me back on track if I fall off, and hopefully helps others to realize that making changes is an ongoing process. You move ahead, you stumble, you get up and go again. Like a baby learning to walk. Sure you make the decision to change your diet to improve your health. Sure you set up the goal. But the journey to the goal is the process and the process is always supported by keeping your mind focused on the truth about the problem you are dealing with. For me, this book is hitting homers.

It has tons more information than I expected. She talks about diabetes, Celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders, mystery ailments, headaches, and to some degree even autism and schizophrenia. Many of which can be laid at the feet of grain as being the cause. Get the book. Read it. Test out what it says for your self. What have you got to lose, but your present unhealthy state of being? It does not have to stay that way. You can make healthy changes and reap the benefits. There may be nothing wrong with you but a few bad habits that were picked up in ignorance. We don't have to remain ignorant, any more. God bless you and lead you in the direction you should go.

If you are not a reader you can view the progress that six diabetics made on the raw food program, but you have to buy the DVD. Here is where you can get that:


Please note that until November the 19th they have a set of streaming videos that you can watch for free -- they contain very good information. I have only watched the Morgan Spurlock one, so far, but I think they have more of the other experts posted now. Check it out. See what you see.

Be back soon


P.S. For those who think I might be being paid to advertise these books and DVDs: No. I am not receiving any payment of any kind for letting you know about this information. I am just a person, like you, sharing my experience and what I have found that has helped me to improve my health. Check it out for yourself and see if you don't want to tell the whole world, too!!  God bless you.

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