I found a group of others who are in the same boat that I am in at diabeticconnect.com
As I read through the posts I began to see a picture of what I myself have been dealing with. Mostly doing everything you can to lose weight and getting nowhere. I think I am overstating a little -- out of frustration with not only not seeing success but sometimes losing heart and eating like I really don't care -- even though I do care.
There are a few successful people among the crowd, too. Some newbies. Some very experienced.
Today I need to go grocery shopping to fill up the veggie larder again. I have been toying with the idea of repeating to a small degree a program that I did a few years ago. It was a vegetarian diet. A vegan diet actually and on that program I did lose weight. I think that is the one my doctor actually wants me to try. If I look, I might even have the books around -- or I might have thrown them out. I will have to look and see.
That was a very low fat vegan diet and I was very diligent to not eat a drop of oil and my hair got really dry. I was diligent and took being a vegan very seriously. I would, again, have to be very careful with the whole grains, but I need to do something. It was on this program that my feet and ankles first began to swell up. But I think I was just eating too many starches and not enough green stuff. I am not sure. I know more about the beans this time. I'm thinking that I might try it for a few days just to see if I can really do it. I lost quite a bit of weight on that program, and even got below the 300 mark by a few pounds, but even that finally came to a standstill. I stayed there for a long time and finally jumped off the wagon and tried something else. I ended up with weight gained back (plus some) and have never really lost a significant amount of weight since then and that was 15 years ago.
Even though, I do "wander" from time to time, I am still eating salads and beans. The only whole grain I allow is popcorn in large doses, and once every two or three weeks I have a chicken salad sandwich from Arby's. You'd think I'd be losing weight. I think I am actually but it is so slow that it is almost imperceptible.
After reading at diabeticconnect.com what was being said in response to "Frustrated by no weight loss" and all the comments that were generated, I do at least feel that I am not alone with all this. This seems to be an epidemic.
So. That said. I shall get on my Aerofit and do my 15 minutes.
Be back soon,
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