Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Looking at My Fat Brain Lies


The Lord reminded me that I had not gone on with the "Fat Brain Lies" workbook that I purchased at http://www.rawfoodbootcamp.com/ a few months back. I got stopped at the pictures. The author, Carlene Jones, specifically stated that I needed to have those pictures before moving on to the rest of the work book. It took me a long time to get them, but I have them now -- thanks to my young cousins Jessica and Corey Howell who took the pictures and e-mailed them to me.

I had wanted to look at where my actual faith concerning eating and obesity and diabetes are located and this work book seems like the logical place for me to get support in doing that. I don't want to just ramble around in my head with no real direction. I believe this work book will give me the direction I seem to need. It is geared for the super obese (like me) and Carlene has been helping folks like me to thin down and she seems to have a good success record which you can see at her web site (http://www.rawfoodbootcamp.com/).

I noticed she has some other work books too but I don't seem to be able to buy them at this point in time. I know I cannot afford her boot camp experience but I do need the support of someone who has been there and done that and has the thin body and the fat before pictures to prove it.

I feel like I'm on my way again. In the workbook, she has you look at your BMI and get specific about where you really are. I know that in my head I don't look bad but my before pictures tell a different story. If I knew how to post the pictures here, I would so you could see them, too. I will be placing them around the house to remind me and keep me in touch with reality. Right now I have them sitting next to my computer as I am writing and I can clearly see the need.

I like how she has approached the subject in her workbook. She seems to be compassionate but does not put up with excuses. She even gives you the opportunity to check out your own willingness to make the needed changes and if you are not ready she does not want you. Clearly if you are not willing to make the necessary changes you are not going to have results. She wants you to be successful, so if you are not ready, come back later when you are. This is my come back later and I am ready.

She points out that when we are as big a I am (and there are many of us) we sacrifice certain things in our lives in order to remain obese. She shares quite a few examples and gives you room to write down your own. I had previously written a list and last night as I was beginning again, I wrote in a couple more.

My sacrifices to obesity range from not taking plane rides to always having to drive my own car because I know I fit in it and it is comfortable. It includes not wanting to go to crowded places because I take up more room than most folks and I hate those disgusted looks that people give you when you bump into them. There is no way to glide between them gracefully for the obese. It includes being selective about the jobs that I apply for, because I don't have professional looking clothing and weighing over 300 pounds does not promote a professional aire, if you know what I mean. I don't go to movies because the seats are so tight and painful to sit in.

Then, after looking at your own sacrifices -- the things that you have to deal with and give up in order to remain obese she asks this question: "How long would you be willing to live without your favorite fattening food to never deal with this issue again?" I had a hard time getting my mind around that question and had to restate it for myself like this: "If I never had to deal with these issues again by giving up my favorite fattening foods, would I do it?" If that meant never eating those foods again; if that meant always choosing fresh raw living foods that make me feel good, am I willing to actually do it?

The answer to that produces a feeling of freedom. Wow. What if I never had to be self conscious about being fat again? What if I could go to the movies and not give it a second thought in preparation and simply enjoy the movie pain free? What if I could actually be thin -- I tell you I have a hard time even making that statement -- I don't think that I have ever believed that I could be thin or normal sized. But that, being a belief, can be changed with new evidence and new facts. What if giving up the foods that cause these things, which have been some of my favorites, would actually accomplish the feat of slimming down? What about the craving mechanism.... can it be overcome? There must be a way.

She also has you look at exercise. Would you be willing to exercise for one hour a day if it were to cut your personal health risks in half? She gives a list of the things that some of her boot camp participants have overcome by eating raw food and increasing their daily exercise: HBP, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Incontinence, Sleep Apnea, Rosacea, Poor Eyesight, Skin Eruptions and High Cholesterol.

Then you get to answer some pointed questions: How do you feel about your current weight and BMI? Describe the person you feel you are, not taking into account your outward appearance. When you look at your photos, what about them suits the person you think you are?

I tell you, answering those questions does not take much time. They are right there on the tip of your pen and looking at them gives you a perspective about yourself that you may not have noticed for a long time.

Don't worry she does not start you off with one hour of exercise a day -- she lets you have a small place to begin at 15 minutes per day. For me that means extending what I do for only 3 more minutes but also doing it every day instead of three times a week. I would like to do that so am starting today. I know me, so am going to give me a starting time (for now): I have to have this accomplished by 5 p.m. each day. I can do it earlier but if I have not done it by then, I have to do it then. I think that will work for me.

She concludes with this amazing statement: "Arm yourself with every available tool you have so when the fat brain tries to tell you, today does not matter, you can make up for it tomorrow, you can see it for the lie it is and boldly state: BEING OBESE IS NOT OKAY!

Today is the day of Salvation!

Today is ALWAYS the day of Salvation -- tomorrow and yesterday are simply imagination -- the only time we have to do something is NOW. I am now making my commitment to 15 minutes of exercise and eating healthy raw food at every meal and snack and pray that the Lord gives me the courage and the know how to accomplish this task. Thank you Lord!

Come with me if you can. Get the workbook and lets do it together. http://www.rawfoodbootcamp.com/

Be back soon


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