Monday, January 24, 2011



I got my food dehydrator a few days ago and finally opened the box today and read the little book that comes with it. It has six trays and is the L'Equip brand which is less expensive than some of the other more popular brands. It has a temperature gauge and an on off switch but no timer -- no big deal -- I can read the clock. I chose this one because of the good reviews.

I bought it at ( )  if you are interested.

I am still a little unsure about trying it out but have been looking for recipes for flax crackers since that is what I am  most interested in making at this point in time. I have only been able to find them ready made (raw) in one health food store in my area and they were down right expensive at $4.44 for about half an ounce of weight. I am sure I can make them for a lot less than that. I don't know how long it will take for the dehydrator to pay for itself but... I just can't see paying exorbitant prices for ever. And I suppose I will learn to make other things with the dehydrator, too.

As I searched I remembered seeing some raw flax seed cracker recipes on YouTube so I went there to see if I could find them again. I found a video by "thatoneguyonline" which I watched with interest as he made his first batch of flax crackers in his dehydrator. His name is Matt and he appeared to be a healthy young man weighing about 180 who was interested in eating raw foods. The video was from 2009. Since that one was so good I looked for other videos that he has made and could only find a few where he looked like he had put on quite a bit of weight. He stated that he now weighed 230 pounds and was no longer "raw" ... He repeatedly said that he "just could not do it" in his diet vlog.

Believe me, I understand. I too really struggle with this as I have been all along, but I don't want to give up. I have chosen, instead, to get out my "Raw for 30" video and watch it again. I have it on pause as I write here.

What has popped into my mind is to remember that in one of my last entries I stated I was going to look at my purpose in changing my diet. I have not written it down but it has been on my mind and I have, a couple of times, been able to divert me from eating wrong food by looking at the consequences and thinking about my purpose. I find I cannot use weight loss as a purpose as it simply does not motivate me. What does seem to motivate me is my health. Thinking about my uric acid levels, my blood sugar levels, and my blood pressure really does make a difference. And even when I am being lead by my cravings I do actually try to figure out the least horrendous way to do it.

Since I continually have to start again I guess I will just continue starting over. It seems to be the only logical thing I can do. I really do not want to quit. Sometimes I feel like I'm spinning my wheels but that is better than putting weight on or making things worse.

You know... I wonder if I should continue with this blog... I am not successful and I'm sure that people want to read about success stories so they can be encouraged rather than reading about my never ending "do overs."  I really only have one follower and a few people that I e-mail the posts to, so I don't get much feed back. Although my friend Brenda seems to have been the most supportive with e-mails and comments.

I will pray about it. I'm going to watch the video now.

Be back soon


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