Sunday, July 17, 2011

Juice Fast DAY 3 -- evening update


I am not feeling very well tonight. My back and neck aches. My feet hurt. My right calf has been hurting off and on. I've done the juicing and am wondering if all this pain is part of the detox for me. My brain feels a bit foggy, too. I have an appointment to see my physical therapist tomorrow, perhaps that will help with the pain.

I tried putting a whole beet in one of my juices and it turned out to be rather tasty. My first reaction was to remember that I have always liked beets since my friend Jera shared a bottle of Harvard Beets with me when we were teenagers. She loved them and introduced me to them but I had not eaten any for a long long time. The color was magnificent and pure and rich, too.

One man suggested that it is easier to peel a beet if you dip it into hot water for a few seconds, so I got out my potato peeler and tried to peel it the normal way, just to see what the problem was. I had no problem using the potato peeler. It was no more difficult than cleaning a potato. The only problem was that it turned my hand red! Makes me wonder what he was using to peel a beet that he had to resort to the hot water method.

So I have run into some of the stuff that people warn you about when doing a juice fast for the first time.

This too shall pass.

Be back soon,

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