Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 12

Hello again,

Often I start blogging before I have actually read the day's lesson, but today I have already read it and am very pleased and excited about it. As you know I started eating the whole grain bread the day before yesterday and ate 4 slices with peanut butter and a pat of butter, and really felt kind of guilty for having done so. The main difference I noticed was that when I was done eating the first slice, I actually felt satisfied, but ate the next already prepared slice, too -- and then later went on to eat 2 more.

Then the next day, I ate two slices made the same way on whole grain sprouted bread, and again, noticed I really was satisfied with one, but ate the second one, too. I think I was acting on old habits. The amount I was putting on my plate was from an old habit or estimation of how much to eat based on my personal reaction to the old unhealthy ingredients. But the new ingredients are different. My body responds differently to them. I am beginning to see that I am actually different now. The eating machine is definitely off. (If it had not been off, I would have eaten the whole loaf of bread.) And I am feeling like I can control my portions naturally, because I am simply no longer driven by gargantuan hunger.

I find that today, right now, my body and my appetite just feel, well, the word is, satisfied. If you are, or have done, the program I'm sure you understand how I got from point A to point B on this one, but if you are only reading this blog and not following the program, it just might not make sense. It did not make sense to me, either, until I did it.

I know that I did not trust that this could happen and could not even imagine it, but it truly has happened. You can read it in some of my previous daily writings where I shared my concern about adding whole grains into the diet -- and hoping they do not turn the eating machine on. But after reading "Day 12" and also having experienced the "incidents" with eating the whole grain bread, and right now, this morning, not craving food, I finally understand that eating whole food actually does change your body and your appetite. The thing that caused the pre-diabetes has been turned around and I am thrilled and grateful.

I suppose I could be appalled that this did not happen earlier in my life, but like I said in the beginning, I am following the advice of the Apostle Paul. I am letting go of the past, and all the shoulda, coulda self finger pointing. It is the not the past that I need to focus on. I am looking forward to the upward call of Christ and moving on. Sticking to this program is now my ultimate health goal.

Yesterday my friend, Cyndi Tanner, and I hung out for most of the day and during the course I shared "The Bread Incident." When she heard that, she looked me straight in the eye, and said, "Do you have a problem submitting?" Whew. I was backed right up to the wall, but knowing that I have had a life long pattern of problems with submitting, I stopped and listened. I could see she was confronting me out of love and I needed to address that in me. I did not have any great epiphany but it sure made me realize that I really do need to follow the program, as written, and not only that, but I can follow this program as written. I can now see that the program, itself, has made it easy to follow, because by making the informed changes, eliminating the bad stuff, and putting in the good stuff, I can actually see the real change in me. What I am responsible for is, each day, making the right choice to eat whole food, and avoid pornographic food. The results seem to appear on their own.

This reminds me so much of what the Lord showed me in His word:

John 8:31-32 ¶  Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Being set free by the truth only happens after abiding in His word -- meaning obeying and following what He says to do. After you become a follower, then you can be called His disciple. The result of your own obedience is that you begin to know the truth for yourself. And by that truth, which you now know from your own experience, you are set free. It is the part about submitting to truth, the application of truth, that ultimately sets you free. It seems odd to say, but being obedient, removes the struggle. Life is better through obedience.

I am not sure I have ever experienced before what I am experiencing now. I know the Scripture was about Spiritual things, and a diet is a physical thing, but what a perfect application and example of one of God's truths. And by the way, the changes made in the program are to change from man-made concoctions, to God-created whole and healthy foods. And I can see the difference in only 12 days.

Day 12 is about adding whole grains and whole fruits, back into the diet. The first 11 days are the elimination period, but you don't only eliminate the bad, you also add the good. Adding and eating the vegetables gives you the opportunity to refocus yourself and to experience something different than anything you've ever experienced before. At least that is true for me, and I believe, like Dr Rip does, that anyone who actually does the program will have these changes in their lives, too. And the change is the complete reversal of pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes, and also the improvement of type 1 diabetes. I am not at complete reversal yet, but I can see that it is on its way.

He explains what whole grains are and the real benefits that eating them adds to a person's life. He says that eating whole grains will satisfy the body -- and I can see that that is so. He also explains that eating whole fruits, (not juice) which contains the peeling, pulp and fiber -- and by the way, that is where the vitamins and minerals are located too -- satisfies the appetite. I have not personally experience this yet, but I shall do it and see. Read starting at page 190 and you well get all the information that you can use to guide your choices.

Be back soon

-- Marcia


  1. "I finally understand that eating whole food actually does change your body and your appetite." Interesting point, I do notice that sugar as fulfilling as it seems only makes the body crave more.

  2. Amen about the sugar only making the body crave more. That is what I call the eating machine -- that ceaseless craving. The last meal you ate appears to have an influence on the present hunger. If it was a good healthy meal, you will have healthy normal hunger that is satisfied with another good healthy meal. But if the last meal was sugar laden, then you will want more sugar at the next meal, and more after that, and more after that. Sugar is addictive and insidious.


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