Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 35


It is Sunday evening. I have been pretty good with the diet, all day, and was excited as I drove home from church that I still had about 600 calories to eat today and I was looking forward to finding a recipe and making some split pea soup. When I walked in the door, I noticed I was famished and needed something to eat right this minute -- if I waited, I knew I would eat everything in the refrigerator. So I snacked on a slice of cheese spread with a tablespoon of peanut butter. And then decided that I needed to simply eat something that was good for me now, and make the pea soup tomorrow.

I pulled out a can of black beans, a can of tuna, and some picante sauce. I mixed them all together and ate it. Surprisingly it was rather good. Then I wanted some carb so I made a 1/4C batch of popcorn, which makes a level 2 quarts and ate the whole thing with some butter and salt and drank a bottle of water. After that I drank another bottle of water, watched a movie, and sat down at the computer to unwind before going to bed.

I exercised yesterday with the stretchy cords but I used the new form that I learned in the book rather than simply pulling the cords and counting. This time I stepped back a little to put more resistance on the cords, and watched carefully as I slowly pulled, flexed, and relaxed with control. I could feel the workout making my muscles work and liked the feeling, since I knew I was not going to harm myself by doing that. I knew that what I was doing was building muscles. Today was the off day. With weight training you have to rest in between to let the muscles repair themselves.

I still have a little over half of the weight training book to read and am interested in the food section, too. I have the idea that it will be similar to what Dr. Ripich recommends in "The 30 Day Diabetes Cure." My friend AR gave me his copy of the book "The Belly Fat Cure" which he has been doing for about a month and a half and he has lost 10 pounds. He is the one who has made the comments that the blog has received and I am grateful for his support. He and his wife are good people and I like them a lot. I noticed that this book is set up nicely with lots of pictures and "belly bad" and "belly good" recipes. I noticed there were a lot of pancake recipes and since I don't eat pancakes more than once a year, if that often, I did not see myself actually making the recipes -- at least not yet. I think that once I get to a point where I can eat them, I will incorporate them, and will be glad for the healthier recipes, but need to continue with what I shall call "Phase One Plus" -- meaning I am following phase one, plus from time to time I eat a whole grain (popcorn) or fruit (blue berries) with plain low fat yogurt -- no more than once per day -- and not every day.

I feel as though I am still testing and juggling things and have not got the basic routine down yet. This is because of the calorie counting and the new weight training. I asked the church to pray for me to be delivered from obesity and several people specifically said they would pray for me. I am grateful. One thing I noticed on Saturday is that I need to ask the Lord to help me, more than I had in the past. I think I was trying to do it on my own, but I have never conquered this on my own before and finally realize that I need God's help. So I am beginning to cling to Him. I believe He wants me to conquer this and that He will deliver me from obesity. I shall continue working toward that goal and asking for His help to keep my commitments.

I am still struggling with the calorie counting but I am in a better emotional state now that I realize that the Lord is helping me. Now if I can just plan a little better for the end of the day. I think I had too big of a breakfast today. I had three eggs and two is plenty. I steamed some cauliflower and had some left over. If I make the breakfast a bit smaller, I'll be able to have more calories left for later in the day.

Well -- it's late -- be back soon


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