Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 36 -- inspiration


I can really feel the difference that the prayers of my Christian friends are making. My mind is opening up to the fact that I really do need to continue clinging to the Lord and to gather inspiration from His word, every day -- for my self -- to continue to be inspired.  It says in the bible:

Joshua 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Psalms 1:2  But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

My mind had interpreted this concept as reading the Bible in the morning and in the night. The Holy Spirit has been reminding me of this for a couple of weeks now -- ever since I heard one of the preachers at church talking about that. It just seemed to glue itself to my consciousness and He has been reminding me each day. Allowing the word of the Lord to infiltrate my very cells and my personal being with delight on a daily basis is a true pleasure.

I can also see that thinking, or meditating, on His word can and should happen through out the day and the night. I am beginning to really see that if I take this to heart, and meditate on (keep His word fresh in my mind and in my self) then I am better equipped and much more willing to "Observe to do according to all that is written therein." It makes me more able to make the changes I want to make. And what a wonderful promise: "for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." WOW!!

God is so good!! He is showing me the way to follow Him. And in doing so I am also learning how to follow the principles that I have been learning for my body. Which brings to mind:

1 Timothy 4:8  For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.

This is, of course, saying that "godliness" is the most profitable thing. because it touches all things in our lives, and carries the promise of life today and in heaven to come. What a wonderful promise. What a principle to live by. And it also says that "bodily exercise profiteth little" -- meaning not as much as "godlliness" -- but it does profit, also. I am taking that as confirmation that to exercise my new found principles over my eating and also my exercise habits will profit me too. And since godliness affects all things in our lives, it will affect that too. All things means all things.

I can really see how the step by daily step approach of "The 30 Day Diabetes Cure"  and the journaling that I have done in this blog has really kept me focused in the right direction and doing the right things, including picking myself up and dusting me off and starting again, when I have fallen. That is not what happened in the past. I see the daily reading now working in the same way in me with the exercise book.

In the past, I actually did notice that while I was reading the information in a book or taking a class, I would be inspired but as soon as the book or class "ended" and I was again left to my own habitual thinking, I would, at some point, just walk away from the good things I had learned and go back to my old ways. So, if I am going to continue to keep me on the right path, I must meditate, (think about, consider, recall, and remind me) daily -- that I need to cultivate the daily habit of seeking the Lord first (without Him, I can do nothing), reading His word morning and evening -- and also the words about curing diabetes and exercising to be inspired to continue doing the right things every day -- to stay on track with my own life. That is what really keeps me going. Daily Inspiration. Daily guidance. Seeking the Lord daily. This is what "abiding" means.

John 8:31-32 ¶  Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

That is precisely what is taught by Jesus -- that abiding in His word makes us disciples. After you are a disciple (a learner and follower of Jesus) then you know the truth. You cannot "know" the truth without living the truth. You can see it in your own life, and it is no longer "theory." And then you are made free -- because you can see the truth coming to fruition in your own life.

Praise the Lord!!  Now I see why Dr Ripich speaks so much about gathering with friends doing like minded things to keep your self inspired and delighted, too. That seems to be an integral part of the pie, too. (Ahhh. Food metaphors!!)  My church family is very important to me.  Their support and love and prayers for me mean a great deal to me. And so do mine for them. Intercessory prayer really does make a difference.

Through reading through and editing and checking the blog, this has also come to mind: gluttony is a sin.

Deuteronomy 21:20  And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

Proverbs 23:21  For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.

Both gluttony (over eating to the point of over indulgence and beyond) and drunkenness are the habits of the stubborn and rebellious, making them come to poverty and rags. That would be the opposite of success!!

It is important to govern the physical things of our lives, too. And now this scripture has come to mind:

Genesis 4:7  If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

This is what God said to Cain when he wanted to know why God did not accept his offering. Cain was rebellious and stubborn. If we are rebellious against God and stubborn to do things our own way, we are following in the footsteps of the first murderer. Sin lieth at our doors. Sin desires us. The only way out is for us to rule over sin. To rule over gluttony and drunkenness. And the daily clinging to the Lord, and meditating on His word is the way out.

1 Corinthians 10:13  There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Praise the Lord!! Thank you Jesus!  I now see the way of escape -- cling to the Lord, be inspired by thinking about and reading His word every day. Thank you Lord!

I am truly inspired today!! May you also be inspired by the Lord's goodness towards you!!

Be back soon


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